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Your Expectations: Explicit Scenes in TF Games?

  • Suggestive elements are alright, but I'll be playing the SFW version of the game. 3
  • I'm okay with nudity but would like to avoid any sex. 9
  • I enjoy sex scenes, but would prefer to avoid anything too extreme. 45
  • Don't hold back! There is no limit to my depravity. 181
  • It doesn't matter to me, as long as there is TF! 62
  • 2017-05-03
  • 300 votes
{'title': 'Your Expectations: Explicit Scenes in TF Games?', 'choices': [{'text': "Suggestive elements are alright, but I'll be playing the SFW version of the game.", 'votes': 3}, {'text': "I'm okay with nudity but would like to avoid any sex.", 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'I enjoy sex scenes, but would prefer to avoid anything too extreme.', 'votes': 45}, {'text': "Don't hold back! There is no limit to my depravity.", 'votes': 181}, {'text': "It doesn't matter to me, as long as there is TF!", 'votes': 62}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 3, 23, 17, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 300}


Changeling Tale is being created as an 18+ game, but it will also have an option to play it in SFW Mode without explicit scenes.  That got us wondering:

How important are NSFW elements  in transformation games to you?

Nothing hinges on the outcome of this poll; we're just posting it for general feedback  to get a better idea of what you want to see in this and future games.

If you want to add your two cents in more than just a vote, feel free to leave a comment below!



While I am going to be playing the SFW version game, I will say that I don't have a problem with there being a NSFW version. That being said, if you feel that whatever game you come up with next doesn't need explicit content, follow that instinct. As long as it includes transformation, there will be a fanbase that will come and pay for it, be it was rated E, T, or M.


What a bunch of depraved dorks.


On a serious note: I erred on being able to hit "skip scene" if something was not to my liking

Bradley The Blue Fox

For me , the whole hyper/extreme is too much so that's just my two cents :P and being super detailed person the only thing I like excessive amounts of is seeing how each body part tfs but that's just me xD

Izzy Jones

Omg I'm okay with just TF, but that stat though xD I just really like mind benders, things that make you think and go "huh"


I'll qualify my 'don't hold back' vote with the confidence that my tastes have corresponded quite nicely with the creators of this fine little project. I'm fairly sure their limits reach somewhere in the neighborhood of my own.


If I'm buying a tf game I want the tf to be the focus. I can buy a thousand porn games if I really want to get my rocks off. As long as the story can sink in I don't care if you could show it to your child or you have to put away the photo of your grandma when you play it, make your favorite version of the story. If post-Patreon sales are an issue for you, that might push you in one direction but at the end of the day you just need to be happy with it, and that can be hard to say when it's a group effort. ---I will add I'll be playing the version with the most content, so yeah, NSFW isn't a problem with me either way.


I think this poll was mostly an exploration in preferences of our players really. The goal isn't so much to cater to a specific audience, and more to see what our audience is - romances will have a range of endings and such that I think any nsfw elements will be appropriate the characterization and personalities involved. The TF itself is always the focus, but romance is what drives the story, and most romances do involve some sex every now and then :V


I think extreme just means detailed porn visuals, the poll is mostly about the nsfw elements.


No doubt. I just mean to show my support. I cast my vote, nothing left to do but ramble on a little.


Using your comic commission as a reference, that's about as extreme as stuff in the game will get :V


I said. Don't hold back, but the story should come first.


that's ok, I have a feeling LN appreciates your rambling, he likes the feedback :B


I tend to enjoy more focus on the TF elements than sex, that and story.


Iam like Comic TF i focus also on the tf, maybe LN should make another game with just tf all over the place and no romance :-p


Oh, absolutely, that is solid advice! Was just trying to gauge a feel for the present audience, here ^^


No worries- if you're familiar with our work, you know we draw the lines well before that kind of extreme ^^


Sounds like a great scenario for a game based on all those WW2 TF comics I've doodled, Blackwolf :3


Totally agree, Comic! Our first and foremost priority is a top quality TF game. Thanks for the good advice and the vote of confidence! (I was telling Wat I always look forward to your feedback on these things ^^;)


Just because a given scene is SFW doesn't necessarily mean that I won't still get off to it. That said, the promise of NSFW scenes is one of the primary reasons that I decided to back this game. One of the aspects of TF that I find both intriguing and titillating--despite being under-explored in many TF works--is the impact that such an event has on one's social and sexual life. How do the drastic changes in one's anatomy affect what he/she is attracted to, and those who are attracted to him/her?

Joseph Michael Soldano

I'm really just interested in the transformation stuff. Anything else wouldn't make or brake the experience for me,