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A video of me outdoors! (very rare)

Transportation is a challenge at this size. The car has to be large enough for me to get in and out of it, and it needs to be tall enough inside that I can sit without being completely hunched over. For this I need SUVs (sport-utility vehicles) as normal and large-sized sedans, or worse, little compact cars, cannot fit me. I can't get into the compact cars at all, and sedans are a huge trial to get in and out of and can take me 5 minutes or more, assuming I can get in, first.

The front passenger seat is out in all of these cases because I spill over into the driver's side and have to set the seat back all the way and tilt it down so I am reclining in order for my belly to fit. The front driver's seat is the same except there's the added issue of the steering wheel squishing into my belly, and it's not very safe to drive if I have to recline the chair so far back. In the back seat I am always sitting directly on the seat belt fasteners, but at least I can spread out a bit there even if it is uncomfortable. That's why I don't go on long car trips!

In this video, I get in and out of the back seat of a mid-sized SUV. You can see how the car responds to my weight and how I am hunched over a bit in the seat in order to fit - partially due to my height, partially due to my bulk. I would have tried the front seat but I didn't want to spend too much time out in the front garden in a scary balaclava mask and risk someone calling the authorities on me ๐Ÿ˜…

This video does not have audio for some reason, but you're not missing much except a few dogs barking and some wind. Note how the car suspension is challenged with the addition of a 700+ pound Bearhemoth, and how I have to make a couple of attempts to get out of the back seat! I'll have to try this again with a smaller car and show you how that works out ๐Ÿ˜‰


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