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I am now fully vaccinated 😎

The shots (or as they insist on calling them in the UK, the jabs) were done in an Urgent Care-type facility. I was glad the building was fairly small, as I didn't have to walk the half-mile a larger hospital might have required.

All eyes were on my 6' 4", 700+ pound body as I entered. A giant among them. I waddled across the tile floor until I reached the waiting area. The chairs were precarious, as usual - I gingerly sat in one (it had arms, which are usually a Bearhemoth's bane, but they were wide arms so I was able to fit) and heard the wood creak and then crack a bit as I shifted.

I got looks from some of the other people in the waiting area, but they quickly looked at the floor when I made eye contact. I always get the most stares from children - luckily there were none there, just a confused teenager who definitely gave my bulk more than a few glances.

The attendant handed me paperwork to fill out, but the only places to write were these standing desks that were further away than I wanted to venture. After sitting in the chair I picked up and moved one of the IKEA side tables in front of me and used that to fill out the paperwork. They told me I could keep the pen.

The shots themselves were uneventful and over quickly. Each time I waited the requisite fifteen minutes in the waiting room before getting my vaccination card signed and leaving. I didn't have much issue with the first shot, but the second one caused some fatigue for four days. In another week I should be as protected as I can be!

That, plus the fact that a lot more people are either vaccinated or getting vaccinated, means that I can have house guests, which means lots more fun to share with you 😉



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