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It's been a bit since I did an eating video! I think the reason I don't make as many of these is that when I am eating, I tend to split focus - so I'm eating while watching TV, or browsing the Internet, and I feel weird making a video while I'm watching TV or doing other things. I think I should be focused on the act of eating if I'm filming it for you.

Back when I was still trying to lose weight I bought a book called "Conscious Eating" that required you to sit in a chair when eating dinner with nothing else around you, no book, TV, people, or phone, focusing entirely on the food and chewing. Essentially, to be present in the moment.

I couldn't do it. I had absolutely no desire to eat while doing nothing else. It was bizarre how much of a mental block that was! I like food, but I like it best when I am eating while doing other things - the act of eating relaxes me, mellows me out almost like a drug. Let's call it Distracted Eating™ ("DE" for short). Now I just need to write and release a bestselling book series and podcast on the concept. Any editors in the house?

The sense of calm feels wasted when I'm not actually focusing my attention on something else, if that makes sense. I've chipped a tooth before by distractedly biting into the tines of a fork while eating and watching television, so DE™ does have its dangerous side.

Anyway, I got this delicious-looking, incredibly fattening red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting (and, I think, made with cherry juice) from the bakery, and couldn't wait to inhale it. As we all know, red velvet cake goes best with sugary carbonated beverages, so I wash it down with a Coke and deliver a few thunderous belches as a bonus, rubbing and stroking my belly as I go!

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