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Here's a tale of some routine things that become much more difficult when you are Bearhemoth-sized:

I have (had) a new dentist that I had seen for the first time in early March. I was scheduled for a second visit to get my teeth cleaned and some fillings replaced but that got cancelled due to the pandemic; his office shut down and reopened in late June. His staff called a few weeks ago and rescheduled the cancelled appointment, which was to occur next week.

I got a phone call from the doctor's assistant the week before the appointment who informed me that they had taken another look at my records and because of my weight and the fact that the dentist would have to put the chair all the way down in a reclining position to replace one of the fillings, they thought it would be too much stress for the furniture (their dental chairs are rated at 400 pounds - although they do make chairs that go up to a thousand pounds, I guess he didn't want to invest in one) and "out of an abundance of caution" for their liability they cancelled my pending visit. They recommended I go to a much further away university medical center and try my luck there.

The last time I'd had a university medical center recommended to me was last year when a doctor wanted to do a scan, but the maximum weight the hospital's equipment could handle was 350 pounds (I was 650 at the time). They recommended I go to the same university's zoology center where they had an elephant scanner that could handle up to 1,000 pounds, and get it done there 🐘 Presumably the dentist's office meant something similar 😳

It's inconvenient and embarrassing, but it's just all part of being a Bearhemoth! Equipment and furniture made for regular people just doesn't work for us.

In a new series, I'm going to perform some of the typically simple tasks that most people don't think twice about. When you're a Bearhemoth, even mundane activities take on a whole new scope!

For this inaugural video, I load the dishwasher with dishes from the kitchen sink where they'd been sitting for a few days. I'm using one of the kitchen table chairs to sit because it's too much to stand for that long while performing other activities. You can hear the chair protest as I shift around and prepare the dishwasher for the onslaught from a few recent Bearhemoth-style meals. When I'm done, I am damp but triumphant! Putting the dishes away, however, is another matter...




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