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An Opportunity for More

  • "Haley's Secret" Characters! 35
  • "Jacob and the Raven's Kiss" Characters! 77
  • "Libidine" Characters! 30
  • Characters from Past Tales (BSB, JALM, GTS, and more!) 85
  • Characters from our AI Stories! 27
  • Brand New Characters! 45
  • 2023-11-20
  • —2023-11-24
  • 299 votes
{'title': 'An Opportunity for More', 'choices': [{'text': '"Haley\'s Secret" Characters!', 'votes': 35}, {'text': '"Jacob and the Raven\'s Kiss" Characters!', 'votes': 77}, {'text': '"Libidine" Characters!', 'votes': 30}, {'text': 'Characters from Past Tales (BSB, JALM, GTS, and more!)', 'votes': 85}, {'text': 'Characters from our AI Stories!', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'Brand New Characters!', 'votes': 45}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 24, 0, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 20, 22, 29, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 299}


As "Libidine" draws to a close this month and "Haley's Secret" prepares for its finale in the next, we also look ahead to "JRK" completing its journey in Q1 of 2024. This timeline opens a unique window for us. For the first time in over a year, we finally have the opportunity to explore new and sexy ways to express our beloved Breast Expansion and GTS content!

I'm excited about this transition, though I anticipate some challenges and learning curves along the way. Your patience and support as I establish a new, efficient workflow are immensely appreciated. This new process aims to deliver even higher-quality content than before. As we say a fond farewell to the stories that have been our companions for so long, I assure you that their conclusion is just the beginning. I am dedicated to bridging these narrative spaces with captivating content and initiating the next wave of both short and long-form storytelling-- in a number of mediums!

What's the Purpose of This Poll?

I am passionate about proceeding with this transition the right way.  And the first step in doing that is to hear from my most dedicated fans directly: All of you! I have a lot to ask, so to streamline our communication and avoid any confusion, I'm rolling out a series of focused polls over the upcoming weeks.

We're kicking off with a question that's fundamental: Which characters interest you the most? This initial multiple-choice poll is your opportunity to weigh in on the faces that have become part of our shared journey. The characters have been categorized by their stories for ease of selection. Whether you're a fan of our current cast or yearning for fresh personalities to enter the stage, now is the time to let your preferences be known. Your input is the guiding star for what comes next, so make your vote count! The poll is set to run for about 3 days.

Many of these characters, both new and familiar, will be making the leap into Blender with us. This shift to a new platform means that the stories you're passionate about will get a visual enhancement — think more realistic skin, more vivid scenes, and a whole new level of storytelling. It's the same characters you love, but with a polish and shine that will make them pop off the page. As we chart this course together, every vote you cast in this poll helps set the stage for their grand unveiling in this upgraded art form.



More 3D No Ai painting :/

Sizeking Dom

Maria from Maria’s ascension is still on my mind. The way she embraces and steps into her confidence. I would love to see a similar scenario, but maybe where the man is actually loving and supportive or at least not an ass and the two can fully and mutually enjoy the lady’s transformation


This is such a well articulated comment. Thank you for your input. I too really loved the aspect of Maria growing into herself as a person and, as a result, her blossoming confidence. That, combined with a loving relationship structure could make for an awesome new story! I'll keep that in mind. :)