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Hey, everyone! 

I've got 36 AMAZING lineups and extras ready for you! For all you comparison addicts out there(like me), I've included some great shots that show off how the girls looked at the start of the story to their current panel counterparts. A lot has changed! I've also permanently included the panel numbers for each of their height moments. Hopefully you all enjoy that change :)

I actually had a few more extras planned that featured our three naked cheerleaders hugging and kissing each other(a naked make out session of jiggly goodness!), and a little image set of Jacob and Candice enjoying some more private sexy time-- but I'm super eager to get back to Haley's Secret and close out our current scene involving Twilight and Lyla.  Once that is complete, I'll allocate my remaining free time into finishing up those delightful JRK extras AND some much-needed updated Haley's Secret lineups and extras.

Next up, Haley's Secret!

Downloads for the 1080p and 4K versions are attached below. They will also be available in our Monthly Roundups, as usual!

Thank you, as always, for your amazing support!



Tits McGee

Love love love it! All the girls look super hot but happy my favorite cheerleader Nicole suddenly became the tallest. Can't wait to see more!

Sizeking Dom

Love the expression on ms Carpenter’s face and seeing the proportion change in Keiko