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Dethroned AND Haley's Secret is right around the corner!

Stories below!

"I-I don't know about this, Charlie," Paprika hesitated, her slender fingers anxiously attempting to pull down the scandalously short hem of her provocative miniskirt. The outfit, she thought, left preciously little to the imagination. 
"Trust me, babe!" Charles assured her, momentarily suspending his artistic endeavor and lowering the camera from behind his steady gaze. "This is exactly what's setting the internet on fire right now." His expressive hand swept across the magnificent backdrop. "Look at you, you're an artist's dream! Your figure, it's a masterpiece, one in a billion." His gaze fell upon the stately marble pillars and classical statues surrounding them in silent testament to their words. "It would be an absolute travesty to not share that with the world."
"I'm not quite sure..." she mused aloud, her delicate hands instinctively moving beneath the behemoth weight of her womanly chest and hoisting them upwards. The sheer weight of them caused her to blink in surprise. "But it's as if, the more photos we capture, the more... 'singular' I seem to become."
Charles resumed his position behind the lens, the camera once again becoming an extension of himself. "Well, darling, you know the saying. When in Rome!" He immortalized the moment with a click, the sound echoing amidst the marble. Simultaneously, the audible groan of Paprika's top filled the air as her breast flesh pressed harder against its confines, straining against the fabric. Her ass followed suit, bloating and plumping outwards, causing her skirt to hitch up even higher on her tantalizing legs.
"Excellent. Just a few more and we'll be done!"

Engrossed in your thoughts, you maneuvered rapidly through the labyrinthine corridors of towering bookshelves that occupied every corner of the vast university library. Your focus, shrouded in myriad concerns, had shut out the external world, until you inadvertently collided with a gentle presence around a corner.
"Uhp, excuse me!" A melodic voice chimed, its tone tinged with an endearing hint of embarrassment. As her cheeks morphed into a blossoming shade of crimson, you took note of her spectacular light purple hair that mirrored the hue of a lilac dawn. Readjusting her glasses on the bridge of her nose, she stuttered, "S-Sorry about that. I... didn't see you there." Her apology echoed in the air, though the fault was clearly yours.
Casting a glance downward, you realized that her head would comfortably nestle in the crook of your neck. Her beauty was ethereal, but what truly ensnared your attention were the twin pointy elf ears that playfully peeked through her iridescent locks. As if accentuating her elfin lineage, her bust was voluptuous beyond anyone you've seen before.
"N-no, I'M sorry. The fault's all mine," you confessed, gracing her with a warm smile. However, this seemed to only deepen the rouge of her already flushed cheeks. This confused you. Had her experiences been devoid of the masculine gaze? As this thought surfaced in your mind, she deflected her gaze, twirling her hair around a finger, a coy dance that suggested she was gathering courage for something.
"I'm p-pleasantly surprised to see a human here on campus," she began, her hypnotic eyes slowly finding their way back to you. The politeness of her words seemed to veil a deeper intention, an implied invitation. Her arm tentatively encased your upper arm, pulling her closer to you, the fullness of her huge and heavy breasts pressed against you. Then, in a move that left you flabbergasted, she rose onto her tippy toes and planted a soft kiss on your lips, her hand finding a comforting place on your chest.
"I-I'm s-sorry?!" Your words tumbled out, tripping over each other in confusion. "I-I-I-I--!"
"It's how we say hello here," she explained, biting her lip in a manner that could only be described as seductive. As her glasses slid leisurely down her nose, she continued, "And this," her hand reached out, intertwining with yours, guiding it to her luscious, full chest, "is how I ask if you're interested in me..."

Nestled in the heart of a quaint neighborhood, the aroma of baking bread and sweet pastries perfumed the air, providing an irresistible invitation to the local bakery. The establishment wasn't only treasured for its heavenly baked goods, but also for the exquisite allure of its proprietresses: a pair of stunning blonde twins.
"All ingredients are homemade!" They declared in perfect unison, their harmonious voices adding a touch of enchantment to the bakery's cozy ambiance.
"...A-All of it?" You echoed back, an insinuation of surprise coloring your tone. Your gaze darted between the scrumptious pastries, the gallons of fresh milk being used, and the tantalizing sight of the twins themselves. An unspoken innuendo hung in the air as your eyes instinctively fell upon their full bosoms, barely contained by the playful cowprint aprons they wore. A bewitching thought crossed your mind, linking the source of their milk to the shapely twins themselves.
As if reading your mind, they nodded together, their striking eyes twinkling with delight and a hint of mischief. The notion, scandalous and enticing, caused a magnetic sway in their generously endowed chests, the fabric of their aprons straining against the weight.
"Would you like a free sample?" One of them tendered the suggestive offer, as she reached a hand inside her apron to cup a generous nipple.
"Y-Yes, please!!"

The rumble of the motorcycle purred beneath them, stirring the still air of twilight. Mazy’s silver hair fluttered wildly in the wind, the metal strands caught in the heady dance of their nighttime ride. A spontaneous chuckle bubbled up from her throat as Ben’s fingers traced an intimate path behind her ear, his lips ghosting a kiss against the nape of her neck. The sensation caused her neck to twist, their leather-clad forms gyrating precariously atop their shared motorcycle.
"Ben, stop it! Do you want us to crash?" Mazy feigned admonishment, yet her tone dripped with playful undercurrents. Her focus remained steadfast on navigating the beast of metal and thunder they rode upon, even as she luxuriated in the way his attention sparked tingles down her spine.
"I'm sorry, I just can't help but admire how beautiful you are." Ben’s voice was low and intimate against her ear, the husky undertones making her heartbeat quicken. He drew himself even closer to her, his hand slipping sneakily from her toned abdomen upwards, until it rested heavily, cupping and squeezing her chest.
"You're the one that wanted me to drive!" She retorted, a soft giggle lacing her words. The thrill of the ride coupled with his constant flirts made her pulse race, adrenaline coursing through her veins.
"Yeah, only because it gives me an excuse to press myself against this impressive ass. It's magnificent, Mazy. The biggest I've ever seen!" His words, infused with unabashed admiration, hung between them, making her cheeks bloom with a blush.
"Stop," she chided, her voice carrying a touch of mirth. She shot him a fleeting smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "We're here."
The scenery transitioned abruptly as the motorcycle coughed and slowed, leading them into the solemn silence of a graveyard. The nocturnal symphony of croaking frogs and chirping crickets echoed through the timeless stones, the motorcycle's lone headlight creating stark shadows as they surveyed the field of slumbering souls.
Mazy’s hand swiped back at Ben, with lips pressed and curling as she navigated through the graves, his hands proving relentless in their pursuit of her sexy lower half. The boldness of his affections had his fingers exploring her voluptuous rear, drawing a scolding, "Ben!" from her lips. Yet, her radiant smile betrayed her faux annoyance.
With an agile spin, she pivoted to him, her hands cradling his face with an affectionate firmness. Her lips pressed into his in a swift, loving kiss that left him yearning for more. "You. Are. Relentless." She scolded, tapping his nose as she turned away, her body still humming with the residue of his touch.
"I'm sorry babe, it's just... I want that ass so badly. It's SO big."
"Ya, I know. I have to live with it." She responded with an eye roll, her playful tolerance beginning to show signs of waning as they continued their search.
"When we get home, I'm gonna ravage--" His heated promise was abruptly cut short by Mazy’s hushed "Shush! Here it is."
Mazy was drawn to a particular tombstone, her body sinking onto her knees as her fingers eagerly dug into the moist earth beneath, the motorcycle's headlights illuminating their clandestine pursuit. After an intense moment of anticipation, her fingers curled around their long-sought prize.
Emerging from the depths of the soil was a rectangular relic, its surface etched with intricate carvings that resembled a Mahjong piece. "I can't believe it's real." She breathed, awe coloring her voice as she held the object up to her face. As she wiped the remnants of earth off the artifact, the carvings came to life, pulsing with an ethereal cyan light that reflected in her widened eyes. 
"Let's hurry, love. We better get going before someone--" His urgent plea was sharply cut off as an uncanny voice echoed within their minds. The relic surged with a brighter radiance, its voice echoing ominously, "Speak one wish and it shall be so."
A brief lull overcame them, the tension hanging palpably in the air. The implication of the relic's command quickly dawned on them, their eyes widening with a shared sense of alarm. They turned towards each other, the palpable panic mirrored in each other's faces. The rules of the game were clear; the first to voice their desire would have their wildest dreams realized. Without a second thought, they both blurted out their wishes in unison.
"Make her ass 3 times bigger!"
"I wish for world peace!"
However, his words were fractionally quicker. The relic responded to his wish as though springing to life. Mazy stood frozen as the air filled with the rumble akin to a seismic shift. Her already voluptuous rear began to swell and expand with each passing second, growing and morphing at an unprecedented rate that left Ben reeling.
Caught off guard, Ben stumbled backward, landing with a thud on the soft grass, his gaze transfixed on the spectacle before him. "Bennnnnn?!? How could you?!" Mazy's voice rang out, a cocktail of disbelief and worry. The billowing sound of pounds of flesh getting added onto her rear and thighs filled their ears. Her lower half continued to grow and Grow and GROW!
Ben, however, was far from remorseful. His face broke into an ecstatic grin as he shot up onto his feet. 
"Hell yeah!!" His voice echoed in the quiet graveyard. "Thank you, Lord!!"

"I...I-Impossible... S-She's-- T-They're... enormous!" you stuttered out, your feet slowly backtracking in the shallow waters of the creek.
"Indeed. You desired the epitome of feminine beauty, as dictated by your wildest fantasies," the genie's voice, wise and rich, emanated from the ornate lamp you'd chanced upon within the creek's serene expanse.
"Y-Yes, but... I was thinking more of a societal average! Maybe twice of that! That night... i-in my fantasies-- my hormones were rather... heightened," you confessed, your eyes darting anxiously between the genie and the woman, your supposed 'wish' come true.
Her figure was overwhelming, her chest spilling forth like twin tidal waves. Despite their immense size, they began at her collarbone and ended around her knees, creating an almost surreal silhouette that your mind struggled to comprehend. She was all-encompassing.
"My dear, wishes are finite, and you've made yours," the genie announced with a hint of amusement. "Besides, she's in love with you, never suffers from back pain, possesses a charming personality, and, to sweeten the deal, is an extraordinary cook." The genie's form, composed of an ethereal mist, swirled around before you. "And now, my duty is done. Enjoy your life, my friend," he said, his form whirling away into the distance.
"Wait--!" Your protest fell on deaf ears, the genie already gone. You sighed deeply, your gaze slowly returning to the woman. "So, uh... how do you manage to cook with, uh... those?"
She flashed a knowing smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, I have my ways," she replied before she closed the distance, wrapping you up in her warm and all-encompassing embrace. Her chest engulfed your body, leaving just your shoulders and head exposed, offering an incredibly new, yet arousing, experience.



josh abbey

Purple haired library girl by far. Best looking girl out of all of these which is weird for me considering humongous enormous breast girl is also amazing, but I need more a purple haired library girl


Oooooohhhhhh~~~~~ the purple haired librarian and the cow print aprons. 👌🔥


God Beetle, everything you make, even the single image stories, you manage make it interesting enough that I to want see full on stories of them.