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I ended up writing too much text again, but I think it was worth it :)

Enjoy, everyone!

Time for me to sleeeeep!!!




Amazing stuff, jaw dropping visuals, super engaging story. Good job brother :)


Super-duper!!!! Excellent work!


I hope, there is a chance for a happy end for both of them :)


Definitely looking forward to how this developes. Hubba hubba Gwen is gorgeous, and if she wants grow bigger yes please.


The artwork is superb and she gets more gorgeous by the frame, but the story is super cringe. WTF? I just want to go up to X and slap the shit out of him and take Gwen by the arm and treat her like she deserves. I mean what the actual ……..

Vincent Hudon

Amazing story, it got me all twisted and upset. That has to mean you got e enthralled! My favorite story of yours


I adore this so much! Do you have information about her height changes from part to part, cause I'm really curious about that. If you can let me know anything, even if it's just her current height, I'd appreciate that a lot!


Thank you so much! Their heights will be explained in more detail in part 2. Be sure to cast your vote in next month's "Patron's Pick" if you want this story to continue!

Pseudo Lock

This story ALONE got me to give you money. Hoping for more like this. Happy to see there's a part 2 coming. And the new proposed story looks like more of what I want. Excited to see more.


Hey, thank you so much for your support and the awesome feedback! I really appreciate it. I'm always eager to hear what works so that I can create more amazing content for you all. Part 2 is coming soon!!