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Good evening, everyone! I hope you all are having an absolutely wonderful weekend!

I've been super busy with our next major animation project! This time around, we'll be following the lovely Lara Croft(Tomb Raider) into an old and rickety apartment complex that appears to be abandoned. Lara appears to be searching for a special item, and we'll have to wait and see if she finds it! Something tells me it will involve lots of growing boobs and height growth! ;)

The past few days have been extremely fun for creativity purposes. I've hashed out the character(s?) involved, the story concept, created her hair physics, and began building the environment for Lara to explore. I'm hoping to have all of the environment creation completed by the end of this weekend. That will leave the entirety of next week towards animating and perfecting Lara's soft-body physics! Oh - and have you noticed? I gave her a proper set of boobies, to begin with. Just like her original design - how we like it!

Much like all my other work - comics included - I'm attempting to push the boundaries of what I know with this project. This will be my most ambitious animation to date(and hopefully the sexiest!) Because of this, I fully expect each frame of the animation to render slower than in my previous projects. SO! If that happens, I will begin working down the June Priority To-Do list while this animation renders each night - and pausing it during the day. That way, I can work towards getting more awesome June content out to everyone in a timely manner! Hopefully without destroying my sleep schedule, lol!

Thank you, as always, for your amazing support!

June 2022 Priority To-Do List(in order):
1) Finish Gabby's Towering Solutions! (COMPLETE)
2) Libidine short-story continued! (3 panels) (COMPLETE)
3) Release of my next MAJOR animation project! (IN PROGRESS)
4) back-to-back Haley's Secret Mega Posts!
5) New characters, outfits, and lineups for Jacob and the Raven's Kiss, Ch2!!!




Finally we’re going to get a proper Lara! Looking forward to it, brother :)


I always appreciate your awesome comments, Steve! Thank you! This Lara is going to get to experience what it's like living inside a BE/MINI-GTS fan's wet dream!


You had my curiosity, now you have my attention 😉


The most beautiful Lara I have ever seen!! Very good work!!!!! I'm excited and looking forward to it!!

not expandinator

I am bouncing off the walls excited


Looks amazing! Some FMG would be nice.