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First of all, Happy New Year!! I hope all of you had a wonderful first day in 2022!!!

My external hard drive that housed all of my 3D content has died(Worst New Year present ever! jk lol!) Luckily, I've got a backup saved on the cloud and can continue working on renders that have already been completed until I get a new external hard drive to fill with the backup data. 

The content posting schedule for Patreon should remain unaffected. I don't suspect the downtime to last too long, but I'm putting this notice out there in case I experience some additional unforeseen issues.  

For the time being, thank you for your understanding while I get things resolved.  

Love you guys!


Toma Cafe

Too much GIRL on the hard drive haha. I think it was Ms. Carpenter that knocked it out, great way to die.


Sorry to hear that dude! Horrible thing to happen!


Yeah, that was pushing it. :-/ On the plus side, if you buy 2 hard drives, you can just tell Windows to mirror one.


What a good idea! I think I'll do that! Wonder if they have to be the exact same maximum drive size to work...


If you move the external drive around a lot you might want to find an SSD external housing unit with a good fan. If you go m.2 find one with a good heat sink and fan use thermal paste. In my PC I switched to a m.2 for my main op system and got a heatsink fan combo, I used thermal paste on it and it stays cooler by about 30 degrees