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Good evening, everyone! Here are 8 more beautiful panels for Just a Little More! I had to set Rebecca up with brand new soft breasts and even create a custom-fitted top for this scene. It ended up taking a lot more time than I had anticipated. Because of that, I managed to get these panels out to you guys tonight. I'm hoping to spend the next day or two to close out the scene, as planned.

For now, please enjoy these new renders! This should really whet your appetite for what's to come next ;)



John Doe

OMG, this is so awesome.


I like how unhinged she’s become here. Especially in first time relationships, people have a difficult time dealing with a partners’ lack of interest in the relationship and will tend to blame it on themselves and their lack of ability rather than on the partner not being that great of a person. Of course she knows its been happening, but now she can’t understand why it’s still happening. Very well written. Also yay, big boobies gonna get even bigger and taller! :D


As hot as this is, the connotation is actually quite sad. Poor Rebbecca deserves somebody much better than Scott.


Thanks, John! I was beating myself up that I couldn't get you guys all the panels at once, but I think this adds some more suspense to the really sexy stuff to come :)


I'm happy to hear that you caught onto the nuances of Rebecca's relationship expertise, or lack thereof. We've seen an innocent girl become a victim to an overbearing and unfaithful man, but now the tables have turned and now Rebecca must reconcile appropriately.


With the influence of these succulent pink candies, combined with Rebecca's inexperience in relationships, we may find that they really do deserve each other in the end. Rebecca has the tools at her disposal to choose either a happy or dark ending for them both.


Amazing as always, love where this is going. I'm excited to see the rest of this scene play out and the shift in their relationship to continue.


For some reason it won't let me view the image. Like I click and nothing happens. Works on previous posts tho

House Gnome

I feel this is almost therapeutic for him in that there maybe a under lying reason as to why he tried so often to sabotage the relationship. Maybe he needs a big strong women in his life? Or even better the relationship changes to a mother and son like hierarchy after he finally comes clean to what he desires.

Euro Chrk

I love that scene at the end where she shoves his head between her tits.