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Mark may have bitten off more than he can chew here! I'll be working on the rest of the growth scene, and the follow-up animation tonight. I don't want to rush out more images if it means sacrificing quality.


Thank you, as always :)



Taco Lord

I'd say you're doing pretty good overall, just don't push yourself too much.


Thank you for the kind words, Taco. I recognize that most 3D artists push out maybe 1-2 renders A WEEK and here I am pushing out 3-6 every day. There is potential for burnout because of this - but I really do enjoy creating this content for everyone. As I try to improve the quality of my renders even more (as you will hopefully see near the end of this growth scene!), I will naturally need more time anyway to be creating my own 3d assets, hopefully having clothes ripping, heels breaking and introducing liquid simulations for lactation scenes, etc.


Lookin forward to Giselle's growth here. Just a pro-growth kinda person but she hits a lot of points on the chart so to speak for me. As others have stated, don't get burnt out. :-)


I have the BEST patrons out of any creator - that's for sure! Thank you, ktc. I'll keep that in mind :)