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Good morning, everyone!

TL;DR below if you prefer to avoid my ramble!

I wanted to have a brand new image set ready for you today, alongside our typically scheduled Uncut Gems. However, I've had the misfortune of receiving an account suspension notification from Gumroad because they no longer allow adult content on their platform(This DOES NOT affect Patreon.) This was a recent policy change that they had made earlier this year. Now, I was anticipating the coming of this dreaded day, as many of my awesome content creator friends have already been forced off that website. I always thought that I would have more time to prepare and adjust... but I didn't.

So I've spent the last few days archiving and moving all of my completed story products from Gumroad and onto DeviantArt's shop page. I won't bore you with the details, but a lot of my existing advertisement images are not compatible with DeviantArt's templates or upload restrictions, so I've had to create new banners and whatnot for every single old story. It's been exhausting and A LOT of work. Time and effort that would have otherwise been used to continue making sexy panels and content for you all.

I wasn't sure if I felt comfortable enough to share this information with everyone, as often times the day-to-day drama of my life doesn't need to be repeated for my amazing supporters. You all are here for the stories and sexy goodies I create! Not for the negativity of potential hardship I face. However... something compelled me to speak up this time. I hope you'll understand. Hearing that my only other financial lifeline has been abruptly cut is an awfully scary reality to face. Though, that said... I've found, through this frightening time, the only thing scaring me the most is disappointing you all.

I'm no stranger to pulling long hours to meet my deadlines. In fact, I take pride in the fact that I'm a workaholic that LOVES my job. But recently I've somehow found myself caught between a pile of long and difficult commissions, taking on Blender and animating as new workflow pipelines, managing two active stories(which need brainstorming, writing, editing, posing, lighting, rendering, postworking, and more!), maintaining a brand new website, and now a broken down storefront. Even just typing all of this feels overwhelming... but I can handle it! I just need time.

I can and WILL pour many more hours into rebuilding my storefront! That's no problem—thanks to all of your beautiful, loving, encouraging, and empowering words that I've already received from you all through Discord. You all are truly the best fans I could have ever asked for. Seriously. Thank you for helping keep my chin up in these very dark moments.

I'm writing all this, not only to inform you, but also to ask for your patience while I get all of my obligations in order. If you notice the next few posts running a little thin, this is why. It's not because I'm lazy. It's not because I don't care anymore. Quite the contrary. It's because I'm working REALLY hard to keep this boat afloat because I care about what I'm doing here and I care about each and every fan who has helped make this dream job come true. The fiery passion for what I'm doing here—to be the best BE/mini-GTS content creator out there—burns stronger than ever.

Wait for me.

P.S. The new image set planned will feature Tifa Lockhart! ;)

TL;DR: Gumroad banned me because they're dropping all NSFW content from their platform. I've needed to prioritize establishing a new storefront on DeviantArt, which takes many hours, so if you notice the next few posts running a little thin, this is why. I hate not having a steady flow of content for you all, so please accept this as my deepest apology for inconveniencing you during this transitional period. I will be working hard to bring the flow of content back up to its usual pace! Thank you.

For Everyone:

Thank you, as always, for your amazing support!



Sizeking Dom

Beetle, we totally understand. You’ve been one of the most consistent and regular content creators and life threw you a really unexpected emergency. Appreciate you communicating with us and opening up, best of luck, and try not to stress about deadlines and things too much. Just stay in your flow state and everything will work out :)


Thank you for sharing! Seriously no worries! You'll pivot and keep going, you got this! You do amazing work, don't let it stress you out!