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Good morning, everyone!

Here are just a few mid-week goodies to enjoy!

For Everyone:

For Gold Tier and Above:



Jaap de Hoop

Hey, I'm a big fan and long time patron, and I love your work! I have a small suggestion for the website. When you say you've added images 29-32 to a set, it's not all that easy to figure out which ones those are, unless you remember exactly what image you saw last. The images are not visibly numbered on the website, so the only way to find image 29 is to count, or to use F12 developer mode to view the file names. The main story images are numbered, but even there they're only really visible in the full view, not the thumbnails, so you still have to click around. It would be ideal if the site could remember, based on your account, which images you've seen and clearly indicate which ones are new. Failing that, an easier-to-implement solution would be to at least add numbers to the thumbnails. Thanks!


Hey there, Jaap de Hoop! I immediately recognized your name upon reading this comment. Thank you for your long time support! :) What a great idea! We're actually in the process of introducing a 'User Preferences' section of the website, and your suggestion would be perfect to add as an optional feature to display filenames below the thumbnails. No ETA on when it comes out, but it's on my web developer's radar. In the meantime, you can always sort by ascending/descending, but I'm sure you've already tried that. Just worth mentioning :) Thank you <3