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Now that I'm back from vacation and I've gotten over my customary yearly illness as a result of said traveling, I'm finally back at my workstation and here's a few pieces of linework to start off the year! With that said, I wanna chat with you for a few minutes about what I'll be aiming to do this year...

First- thank you all for your support in 2023, especially in the latter half after the tragic passing of my friend and colleague Alps Sarsis. The loss of Waystone's writer and story collaborator was a massive shock and I'm still not quite sure what to do going forward.

I definintely plan to chat with a few writers that have come forward offering their services. While Alps is irreplaceable, I don't intend to let the Keepers universe die with him. Tsenaya and the gang will be back! 

With that said, as of now, Long-form comics  are on hiatus. Don't worry - I'm still planning lots of content for you, but this year is going to be a lot more experimental, so you're gonna see me fuck up a lot hahah ^_^;;...

This does not mean I do not intend to work with my own characters, but it does mean that my characters will be taking a back seat this year while I experiment with other kinds of content...mainly animation loops and more merch opportunities (dakis, more toys and sculptures).   Those of you in my Discord server have already seen previews for the Tsenaya figurine, and there are more sex toys on the way besides Cebron's cock as well! 

I still intend to do very short comics involving my own characters (perhaps 1-3 pages) while I experiment with animations and liaise with writers as to the deeper storytelling you're all after.  I'm also gonna be doing my best to develop a simpler rendering method that will suit a looser, more easily accessed style of storytelling. 

Alrighty I think that's enough from me for now...I'm looking forward to breaking the status quo and experimenting with some new material, and I hope you'll stick with me as I do! 

Thank you, cheers, and remember, sanity is only a rumor! 




Rose Lapin

Looking forward to all of it! Are you planning to make any female toys, say gals like Tsenaya or the other ladies?


My pen is already ready for you ;)