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...And you thought she just wanted to go for an innocent fly! 


Here's the monthly pinup for July! Based on suggestions that were given in the announcement post I decided to give her a witch-theme in preparation for Halloween in a few months (since I so rarely do Halloween pics!). 

I thought the cherry-petals might look a little out of place, but for some reason they seem to work nicely so I thought I'd leave them in. Foxes and cherry trees are associated in Japanese lore, right? 

I'm particularly proud of the fire at the end of her stick- I don't get to draw things like fire too often so it's nice to know I can still render it from memory ^_^;;. 

Please enjoy, and thanks for voting!



Shaki franklin

Yes if you look at the Japanese folklore story’s called the yokai it’s a YouTuber shows his inspiration about japans history and it’s urban legends you would like it

James Corck

Yyyooo, I didn't expect these many delightful alts! Holyshit. Man, you've rocked it, great job! <3


Duuuuude. I just got done cleaning my apartment, and I come back to my computer and see this. Oh my god, it's the bessssssst.~


Sheeeeesh i love me some braixen 😍 amazing work dude

Logan Lakes

Oh this is super lovely! The colors are all so vibrant to and pleasing to look at, excellent!~


Gona catch her with a love ball !