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Hey everyone! 

It's been longer than usual since my last update so I wanted to show you what I've been scribbling in the background to prove that I'm still working hard on preparing for the next comic. 

That said, I found out earlier this week that a good college buddy of mine, Glaide passed away suddenly and that really threw me into a depressive spiral for a few days. Even now it's so hard to believe he's gone- I almost expect to log into Discord and see his avatar light up green again. I'll always miss him, but I know he'd be pissed at me for using him as an excuse for falling behind, so it's back in the saddle and keep going until the wheels fall off! It's the least I can do to remember him. 

Thanks to all of you who caught this on Twitter and expressed your condolences- that really means a lot to me and it definitely helped to know that I wasn't alone, especially reading the comments of all the other people who knew him.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he impacted so many other people's lives! 

Moving on from sad things, you may have noticed the bird in the header! Her name is Kaera and she's gonna be the baddie Maeko's gonna face off against in the comic.  I should have her design done by tomorrow I think...

This is a concept drawing for Chief Danno- the Chief Engineer in charge of Tsenaya's section. He'll be making an albeit brief appearance in the next comic so I thought it best to get him designed now as well. He's an Ibian, which those of you who are familiar with Alps' Circus of Stones stories should be familiar with, if only in description.

Next, we've got the motley crew that will accompany Kaera aboard the prison shuttle! These were chosen from suggestions my Pharaohs provided. I apologize if the character is taller or shorter than they're supposed to be, I tried to be as accurate as possible! The height chart I used for them is sadly not visible in the sketch, but I'm pretty sure I got them right. We'll do the official roll call once I finish this lineup properly ;)

Finally, here are some concepts for the Peacekeeper uniforms I'll be using in the comic. I still might need a character or two to form the guard detail for the prisoners, so I may still surprise a Pharaoh or two with a role in the comic. Stay tuned!

Again, my apologies for a bit of a light month but prep-work like this isn't flashy as a pinup or a comic page. I'll do my best to make your patience worth it!




Is that Sasha as prisoner #1


So sad what happened to your friend. My condolences. Take all your time to grieve. The sketches however look amazing so far.


Pretty sure she is yeah- I was gonna list them in order in the color version


Gorgeous Sasha gald she was lucky in getting picked.


Sad to hear your friend passed away Scappo. Do you need a hugs?


Sorry for your loss. Don't be afraid to take a little more time off if you still need to take it easy.


I wish you the best Scappo, throwing yourself into your work is a good way to cope. Just make sure you sort yourself too, yeah? We've all lost folks, I'm sure, and it ain't easy.


I'm sorry for your loss, take the time you need. It's never easy for anyone when things like these happen. On another note, good work on those sketches.

James Corck

Work at your own pace, and take as much time as you need to recover. There's no worse thing out there than losing someone you love, and you'll need as much support and time to recover. And even with all that, you are still being productive and working on your comic and your projects. You're more than fine, Scappo, and we're going to keep around supporting you, man. Keep up the good work, and please look after yourself. We want you to be OK and to feel better.

Alexey Belovolsky

I am terribly sorry for your loss. It is very, very sad when your friend passes away.(( And we very much look forward to seeing your new interesting project!