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Sketching these pages in batches actually works really well! I kinda wish I'd have done this from the beginning, as it helps keep the characters and flow a lot more consistent between the pages, and it helps when inserting the dialog as well.

Tsenaya's emotions on all three pages were a refreshing change to the dower, shy little jackal we've seen so far, and it was nice to draw a smile on her face in these comics for a change! Hopefully I'll have more chances to make her smile in the future, but I also got to introduce a slightly more laid back Nailah with these pages.

When she's not at the office presiding over Joinings and Waykeepers, she's actually very personable once you get to know her! I wanted to make sure to show that she's not JUST an ice-queen, but that she does have a gentler side that she only shows those she's closest to. She's not a villain, but she can be easily misunderstood.

These are the last three pages for Sleepless Nights, and Alps is working on the "prequel", which is what I'll be working on starting in the New Year.

Enjoy the sketches! I'll be working on taking these forward over the weekend and will hopefuilly get at least one colored for you before I hop on a plane next week :3.




Wooooooow......Nailah ACTUALLY showed concern and cared for her own daughter's welfare like a real mother; in comparison to how she acted to Tsenaya in her nightmare, I'm shocked. o.o At the same time, good to see that she isn't all that cruel - even to Tsenaya. Again, I look forward seeing what all happens next....and hope that her and Cerbon's little secret will never be exposed~ ;p

Tygon Panthera

Is that Nailah's version of bed-hair? :) And I guess making your mother want to get rid of you so she can have a quiet night is one way to earn a promotion :D


It's good to see she cares for her daughter


That fucking thumbs-up Cebron gives in page 30 needs to be made into a Telegram sticker. And all nagas need an apron like that. Oh my god, he's such a fucking dumbass and he's precious. xD


i'll be honest, your last pages? feels even more cartoonish in tsenaya emotions than i previously seen ,it feels really like she's on edge due to the lack of sleep, is it bad? of course not,frankly, it's something that i didnt knew you had under your pen! and i wont mind if it takes a bi-monthly to see your batch of pages if it means a more consistent work!


The apron, that thumb up, Tsenaya's expression. All so hilarious. Love to see Nailah showing some concern for her daughter and praising Cebron. Nice to see that more gentle side of her. But of course, I loooove that panty shot and her cleavage - thank you for the fan-service.


A nightmare is a window to the subconscious, so the way Nailah treats Tsenaya in the nightmare, isn't accurate...it's just what her subconcious fears: rejection by her mother. I wish I had the room on the comic page to get across the fact that it's not that often Nailah shows this level of concern...like she said, it's been weeks of nightmares and only now does she show she's concerned, so it took a while! Glad you're enjoying it!


Yup, she hasn't had a chance to straighten it today X3... And I mean what mom wouldn't try to get her daughter promoted in an organization where she's one of the leaders? The pay-rise and getting her out of the apartment is just a bonus ;)!


Yeah I'm always a bit shy about doing really cartoonish stuff, but in situations like this I think it's called for to exaggerate how nervous Tsenaya is that she wan't able to slip out the door un-noticed. I'm glad you approve!


You're welcome ^_^! Like I said, I want people to know she's super cold when she's in "business mode", but when you get her in a more casual situation the mask does come down a bit. The tricky part is to not make her TOO casual when she's not in the office...I don't wanna break her character!


I really love Tsenaya's face expressions in these last pages, must protecc <3

Alexey Belovolsky

"Hiss the cook". That's great! Cebron has a good sense of humor.))

James Corck

Not gonna lie, it's quite joyous to see Tsenaya being this cartoony, it amps her nervousness and the anxiety she's been dealing with, without making it too heavy handed. Good stuff.