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I spent yesterday evening and most of today wrapping up these inks for the Renamon poll that won last month! I decided to change up the bondage a bit since this version's bondage feels much chunkier and able to restrain her than the versions we saw on the sketches. 

Also, you'll notice that side A is a mixture of the pose that won, and option A, since that one's legs fit much better onto a dakimakura-template. The option that won, while super sexy, had her legs spread to such a point that when put on a dakimakura she looked like her legs were being  cut off...which is definitely not sexy and a little weird looking!

I also removed Renamon's headgear since some people had  expressed they preferred the more confident smile on one of the sketch poses to the ballgag-in-mouth. To be honest, I prefer this version as well...she seems more like she wants this and isn't afraid of the viewer. 

This is how I envision the how Renamon will look on the dakimakura itself. It's the second time I've tried doing dakis this way and while it does sometimes result in slightly cropped limbs, I think this is a much more liberating way of doing dakimakura, since I'm not totally constrained to the super tall, thin canvas and I can play around with the posing a bit more. It also means a better product for all of you!

Again, once she's done you'll get a special code that'll net you a discount off your purchase if you choose to grab this newer version of Renamon for your collection...stay tuned! Separate inks are in the attachments...




Would it be possible to get an attached version of the final piece with the head gear when it's finished? :3

Xionos Aeon

Yesssss. These are perfect


I too adore her expression change!