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As you can see, we've zoomed in on both characters on this page, which is why I needed to redraw the previous page so that we were zoomed out far enough to see both their bodies. 

I'm still debating what dialog to give Cebron in panel 2 (since the original dialogue I had written, on second reading felt just a little rapey, so I binned it). 

With that said, I really like the look of contentment Tsenaya's giving Cebron in panel 1...she's really enjoying this, even though she knows it's probably a bad idea. What's a girl to do? Her mom keeps killing other potential suitors!

Also that shot from underneath is basically my favorite shot in any porn ^_^;;




Those POV panels look great. Gonna be an amazing page once it's done.


very nice angle indeed


Ooo i love these PoVs. And if Cebron needs dialogue... maybeee some kind of child’s lullaby in the setting? Might be an interesting writing challenge


I second Aktwins comment

Selin Malianis

POV shots like the first 2 is some of the most underrated stuff ever; really glad to see it here! ♥


Hrm...maybe? You don't think that would come off as a little weird?

August kowalski

Noooo common im sure it would be perfectly fine for friendly secret bondage session. :) Also, i really dig Cebron. Best snake jhinn.


No yeah it’d be weird, lullabies are for children and all - but maybe kinda fittingly weird? Djinn are supposed to have a kind of alien’s-understanding of hu... mortal culture, right? He might not get how that makes it inappropriate, perhaps he’s even just copying something Nailah used to sing her as a baby (Would Nailah have been that motherly at the time? Honestly a mystery to your readers! ) Now this would likely push the perception of Cebron towards pseudo-parental guardian rather than just her mother’s servitor - I figure you know which side of that fence you’d rather land on. It becomes... reminiscent of without actually being incest, so I get being wary of the idea. But it may also be why my idea seems to have been seconded. I’m ambivalent about it myself I was figuring it’d be sung a line at a time, text off in the corner of the panels or pages almost like a narration... which might mean it’d have worked better to start a few pages ago. So, to be clear, I’m not even sold on the idea myself - ironic for how much I’ve written about it but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s an idea


Fortunatly Nailah don't see that ^^'


Yeah, I think Nailah would have sung to Tsenaya, and it makes sense that Cebron would pick up on that and think that continuing to do it is somehow appropriate, even during sex? That's pretty cool to think about heheh. I took your suggestion and made him sing a little lullaby in the next page...I hope you enjoy it!