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Hey everyone! It's that time again, and it's looking like Patreon still hasn't sorted themselves the heck out. I've noticed a larger dropoff of Patrons than usual once again so I'm thinking there are still some issues lingering from last month's payment processor switch.

You may have read from other artists that this switch was made in order to to please the payment gods and keep adult content on Patreon, and while I hope this isn't the case (lots of payment processors like going all holier-than-thou when they don't need the porn money anymore), as long as the business of furry tits isn't interrupted it's nothing but an inconvenience we have to deal with from time to time.

As your charge is processed in the first days of September, if your charge is declined, you will receive an email from Patreon detailing the issue, and everything you can do to set it right. Contacting your bank and letting them know the charge is legitimate, for one.

If you're using Paypal to pay for your pledges, I don't think you'll have any issues. This seems to be contained to pledges made with credit and debit cards. But just in case, monitor your pledges at the beginning of the month to make sure your favorite artists are still getting paid!

Thanks for reading, and hopefully September's dropoff won't be as drastic as it was in August!



Selth Blackwings

I can confirm PayPal does not cause the issue... That said my reason for using it is to avoid a conversion fee on every payment, as PayPal is taken in one go.


Yeap I’m just going to leave it on paypal from now on

Tevin Escobar

Damn, this happened last month too. I really don't want to miss out on the rewards for this month as well. Looks like I'll have to use PayPal too.


Something different happened to me. I got my reciept, but it only shows a charge for 1 of the creators I support. The amount of money that was charged on my debit card reflects this. I'm using a debit card for all my pledges. I already called my bank. They said the ONLY charge from Patreon is the single one. Nothing got flagged as fraudulent. Which means that Patreon only charged me for that single creator on my reciept. Interestingly, that pledge that I was charged for is a pay-per-post pledge. All my other pledges are normal monthly pledges. So I didn't get charged for Scappo this month, but if I edit my pledge it says I have a full credit for this month. Same with my other monthly pledges.


I didn't have any problems but boy is she cute!


Right now im currently on pending right now, so i dont know yet if its going through or not. But since it was fine last month, I'm guessing it should be fine this time as well. Edit: My plegde went smooth.


The feeling you get when you see your card has been declined. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3_9b4Hu1Hs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3_9b4Hu1Hs</a>


Paypal failed me this month. I added a card.


PayPal in combination with direct debit seems to work without issues.


Paypal didn't work for any of my pledges this month nor is it letting me pay with Paypal. keeps having this pop up: "We had some trouble retrying your payments on this payment method. Please try again, or contact support if the problem persists." Tried re-adding Paypal &amp; nothing works.


"They're playin' us like a damn fiddle...we're gonna make 'em PAY..."




Have you contacted Patreon directly and told them about these problems? If so, have they provided any feedback?

Tevin Escobar

Yep, this happened two months ago, but I'm not sure if anything happened this time.