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Edits: Redrew panels 1, 2 & 3. Also a  Plot hole fix!  Changed the dialog in the final panel so that she doesn't say his name. She doesn't know it since he died before he could tell her. 

I gotta say, drawing Joshua transforming into sand was probably a bit more fun than it should have been. The cracking edges were my favorite part and I actually had to pull back on them because he was starting to look like he was falling apart too early. 

The cityscape turning into a desert in the background was also fun to do- I thought that since we don't really notice when the environment in a dream/nightmare changes (at least I don't), neither should Tsenaya.

Sorry little jackal- there's no fixing this! You'll find the web-resolution and inked version in the attachments...




At first: "This is a surprisingly vanilla place to go after the last comic. And Tsenaya didn't exactly come off as the kind of girl with this happy a relationship. And didn't she fawn over the guy in the last comic? And... well, it's been awhile but doesn't Joshua looks a whole lot like said guy who died?" well, this explains a lot... Edit: Interesting though that her dream fantasies include the activity her own social anxiety, I mean the fidget box, hiding said fidget box, being embarrassed about going off with her jargon, a partner who did indeed not understand what she was talking about... perhaps it was these things that led me away from realizing what was really going on


I don't like sand, it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


but more seriously, is that the same Tsenaya that was featured in the portfolio Tseduction that you did a while back or has it been repconed?


The sand effect is really well done, i just found sad he is just an illusion, Tsenaya seem suffering to be alone :(


Tseduction was a LOOONG time ago LOL XD! That Tsenaya isn't canon anymore. This one will still turn blue eventually, but the personality is totally different.


You are an evil. evil man.


Untrue! She'll just need to find out more about herself first ;)

Xionos Aeon

It's okay I just noticed it too lol

Selin Malianis

Have to admit I'm curious as to where this is going to go! Now to just wait for Cerberon my naga-crush to show up _somewhere_ ;u;


Scappo? I don't feel so good... D: