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I guess this is what happens when I do not one, but two pinups with lots of different versions! I tend to obsess over details in images like that so I end up taking a really long time to complete them. Let's hope I can get two pages of Sleepless Nights in before the end of the month!

I think squeezing the text into that first panel is gonna be a bit tricky, especially the first apology from Joshua. The idea is that he's slowly turning to sand/stone before her eyes and while he's still on his knees. The background will slowly change as this happens from a nice, riverside restaurant to a barren desert. She doesn't notice the change because she's so fixated on what's happening to her would-be hubby. 

As some of you have already guessed, none of it was real and she's dreaming- but I'm looking forward to giving her reasons to be happy once she wakes up!

I hope you like the sketch so far- let me know your thoughts! Am I being too hard on our little Jackal?




I’m now having Infinity War flashbacks...😿


Damnit now I am too XD...I swear it's coincidental! This was all written before I saw the movie!


The expressions in that page are priceless


her face change really fast and just woaw look really funny on the last pic ^^


Loving where this is going. Well done!

fallen dragon

Totally called it! ...the sad thing is, I just made the connection that the dream would make sense since the title is actually 'Sleepless Nights'. Duh much?