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This one's a little long, but first, the good news-

I’ve reintroduced the PHARAOH TIER! I noticed that some people are still pledging more than $10, so I decided to reward them for their generosity. At that level I can’t give much more than I’m already giving, but I did my best to make it fair and worth it to be at that level. Check it out!

Also, as you can see, I’m finally doing comics again! I also intend to put out more stuff for you guys to vote on, including image sets and second chances for images that lost their first go at the pinup vote (I know lots of you have been itching for that.).

In addition, I’ve been thinking about introducing a new project system aside from the comics, which would be more focused and less random than we’ve done in the past. Basically...

  • I decide which character(s) I’d like to work with that month
  • You’d vote on a theme or prompt
  • You’d vote on what project type it should be: daki, vignette, pinup or mini-comic.

Kinda like the pinup poll, right? Except in this case I’m the one who gets to pick the character(s) and options.

Don’t worry, the pinup poll isn’t going anywhere! This system would take the place of sketch suggestions, which have been scattering my energies and priorities in order to please few among many, while placing me under undue stress to do sketches in a timely fashion. That brings me to the “bad” news...

Basically, the suggestion pool has had a negative affect on my work and my motivation. There are three major things I’ve noticed about it…

1) People get disappointed (sometimes angry) when I turn down suggestions (which is understandable).

2) I don’t like disappointing people.

3) Some people want their sketch done asap, applying pressure to that effect, making the suggestion feel more like a commission.

These factors all lead to me treating the suggestion pool like a mini-commission pool that I needed to “keep up” with.

I don't like the pressure this puts on me, and I’ve realized I would rather work on my own ideas, with input and guidance from you as to the specifics. This will hopefully result in less disappointment/negativity and more of the stuff you want.

I can’t say I’ll never re-open the suggestion pool, but I definitely need a long-term break from it. I may open it on occasion, but when I do, it will be to all my patrons.

I’ll be working to finish the leftover suggestions that were already on the form from Synariel, Zagura and Flare Phoenix, but after that we’re going to start voting on specific projects I’d like to work on for you guys :).

I know this may be a bit of a disappointment, but hopefully I’ll be able to make it up to you by making more stuff you enjoy viewing and adding to your collections. If I wanna do sketches, they will be things I just want to draw for fun, without needing to bother you guys with a vote.

Again, you guys are the gas in my engine. Without you I’d just stall, so I want to thank you once again for sticking with me through all the changes, ups and downs we’ve had over the years. I definitely think we’re getting closer to something that’s awesome for the both of us!

If you have any suggestions or thoughts, just let me know in the comments (and please be kind heheh ^_^;;)




Can Renamon be re-added to the polls tho please 😀


I'll see about that once we've whittled down the Patreon picks section a little. She might show up sooner than you think!


Disappointed, but do whats right for your development Scappo. :) Looking forward to seeing more of your cast.


I'll go take that l Pledge


I kinda like this system better, can't wait to see it in action.


If we’re already pledging over $10 do we have to edit our pledge?


Sounds good


I don't think so- the system should see anyone that's pledging $15+ as a Pharaoh, even if you're still in the old Oracle tier.

Camp (campfred)

I understand your feeling and hope you feel better about all that soon. ^^ You inspired me to practice drawing for a long time and I hate when you don't feel good about what's happening here.


With all of my own limited knowledge of doing something even remotely similar(did two freebies once) I can completely understand, respect and encourage this desicision. That system here you got sounds good so keep the artistic awsome coming. ^^ Oh and I still love that heads up image.

Big Tony

Heh nice to find out now I've been at a tier that had a perk for almost a year that has now been removed wish there would have been posts tell us where to send these ideas.


I do my best to announce changes to tiers and to make those changes clear in the sidebar (along with links). For the entire time the suggestions were open, there was a link in both the left and right sidebars, as well as a static post that could be accessed by checking the sidebar (It said, "Sketch Suggestions"). Several posts contained a link which took you to this page: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/Scappo/posts?tag=Sketch%20Suggestions">https://www.patreon.com/Scappo/posts?tag=Sketch%20Suggestions</a> That post was made static in the left sidebar for almost a year. There's not much else I can do, really. I regularly need to repeat myself because people do not read the things I type, leading to situations like this. I'm sorry you feel put out but I can't accept that I didn't try to tell people they could make suggestions when on every sketch post (including the public ones on FA) informed you that you could make suggestions of your own by visiting my Patreon. I can announce things until I'm blue in the face, but I can't pay attention for you.