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Hey everyone! I've finally moved to the new flat in London and have settled in enough to get back to working on art and stuff. I've been rather quiet as of late, especially on the streaming front. This is because of two problems: First, the internet in the new apartment, while fast, was still a bit shaky due to a faulty network card in my machine. My housemate and I have since found a workaround for this, so internet is much better now and I should be able to stream again soon, albeit not for stream commissions. This brings me to workload stuff. I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed recently which is why I haven't been taking on new commissions/streaming. Here's my current workload that I need to complete before the end of the year. 3 comics (ALWD, Meridian, and Naughty & Nice)2 dakimakura (Gilda [from mlp fame] and Gazelle chick from "Village Raid") Patreon illustrations x3 This doesn't seem like a lot, but trust me, just one comic is a ton of work...and I piled three on top of one another. Generally not a good idea. This segues into the good news and bad news. First, I'll break the bad news since it directly relates to my workload... First, I won't be taking on any new stream commissions until mid-January. I know that seems like a long time, but I won't be able to make a scratch in the above list while I'm stressing over stream commissions at the same time. If some miracle happens and I'm able to chew through this entire workload more quickly than I think I can, I may open for some streams in December, but that's doubtful I'm afraid, since I'll be traveling for holiday things. Second, for all you Tailheat folks, "Meridian" is gonna be put on hold until January. Two comics is more than enough to keep me busy for the next two months! Now for the good news... After much consideration and deliberation, I've decided to open up my Waystone project to the public eye and start posting the pages, once per week on my gallery sites such as Furaffinity, Weasyl and perhaps Tumblr later on this month. Although I would say that, thanks to you wonderful patrons the Patreon has been a success so far, I realized that I was treating it more like a paysite than anything. In hindsight I don't think that's what Patreon is designed to do. I believe that this service is supposed to be used to fund something that is otherwise shared freely, allowing the funders to receive little goodies that the general public doesn't. As a result, as you may have already noticed, the "Prefect" tier is gonna be merged with the "Waykeeper" tier starting at the end of this week, in order to make those rewards a bit more affordable for those who choose to donate. Also, current Patrons will notice that I removed two of the milestone goals for now. This is because I simply can't promise to fulfill the level of work they require at this point in my life. However, the Patron polled illustration will remain, since they're fun and I can find the time to do them ;). That said, instead of taking public suggestions (which doesn't seem to work, due to a lack of suggestions) I'll be switching over to a multiple choice scheme, where I list the things I'm interested in drawing and you get to choose which of them you like best! I'm hoping this will prove an easier option than trying to think up something you'd like to see X3. Of course, I'm always open for suggestions to add to the list! And I think that about does it everyone- thanks for reading my wall of text and for bearing with me as the year closes and the end-of-year crunch ensues! Cheers!


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