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Hey guys!
Just wanted to let you know Ive been a bit absent and not answering everyone because I had a few problems with my pc!
[Context: While extracting things for the Starlord x Drax animation I ran into some memory problems, decided to hard reset my SSD and HDD's and one of them kinda bugged out and isnt working anymore which left me with very little disk space. ]

[Picture before I decide to delete everything, couldn't extract GOTG files]

I already got new parts and will be replacing them soon.
My pc is ginormous, I can't even fit my hand inside it (last time I tried I broke my motherboard) so Im not touching it myself again xD
I brought it to a specialized store so they could do it to me but it will take a few days.

( added 4x more disk space and doubled RAM memory! If u curious u can check my updated pc specs HERE at the bottom)

While I will still be working on stuff in my backup pc, I believe the animation will be delayed a bit for this, so I just wanted to let you know. Currently I'm reworking starlord model again, since I wasn't happy with his face and mainly his eyes, and will share it later!
Hope u guys have an amazing week!  




Always good to keep your parts updated. Animation is rewarding, but oh-so very tedious as well. Can't risk unnecessary mistakes and needless loss of progress just because the PC wants to act up and cause problems on any given day.😅

Jidapa M

Take your time I love all your animation ❤️😍