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  • CorridorPrev.mp4
  • DraxNopePrev.mp4
  • DraxSlapPrev.mp4
  • StarBopsPrev.mp4
  • PewPewPrev.mp4
  • StarDance.mp4
  • StarMusicPrev.mp4
  • StarTouchpecs.mp4



Hey guys! First I would like to thank you for the patience while I'm working on this project. I'm working a lot ''behind the scenes' and honestly I was a bit overwhelmed (more info below).

But today I've got a few cool things to share. I'm still finishing the animation but it shouldn't take long, the biggest slow down being the renderer being cycles, which looks cooler, but takes FOR EVER to render. Hopefuly this will improve with Eevee Next!
Still, I just finished rendering the intro, here's a few cut shots:

[Milano Ship Interior: intro shot]

(Low quality/FPS due to gif format/ might not play on mobile)




[Peter Quill being Peter Quill]

Can you guess where I rotoscoped the dance below? (It's from another marvel show)


[Peter is always joking]



[Drax doesn't get it...]


I will be posting this and more as cycles finish rendering on discord, so make sure to check the WIP channel there!

Now to the more technical stuff/behind the scenes... (Little rant incoming)

While I could just use a random spaceship from whatever website, I felt I should do it right, and so began my journey into trying to extract this game's stuff. What a ride!
There was like 1 forum, which is now shut down, with 1 tool to do it. 1 by 1, with broken UV's, and thousands of geometries to search and match to also separated textures. I also had to learn to code and make scripts and a whole lot more to do it... Then I tried Ninja Ripper, which didnt work AT ALL for this game. Unless I again, extracted objects 1 by 1, some broken, some not. At least it extracted the textures (but didnt link to the objects they belong).
So yeah, I did it aaaaall manualy, for daaays...

This should give you an idea of how tedious and sometimes infuriating the process was, but seeing the results, Im happy I did it! (Theres thousands more objects inside eachother which I had to separate manualy)

Oh, before I forget, Starlord model was redone, completely from scratch, the results should speak for itself!

He now also has a lot more toggable clothing, all with newly fixed normals (bath clothes included)

 Of course with all those options my new models have, from clothing to shaders!

Also, I did a complete rework on Drax's shaders and added his clothes too, the model mesh is still the same
Both models will be available to download soon! (Probably when the animation is released)

Oh, before I go, I wanted to actualy confirm I will be doing the part 2 of Michael Myers and Gabriel animation, and yes, Myers will be the top! xD

Better Quality Images and Videos/Gif attached below if you wanna see them in higher quality!




Oh my god yes!! Love this version of Star-lord he’s so handsome and honestly looks very in character from what we see!!! Can’t wait 🫶


So glad to find people who actualy likes him! Hes one of my biggest crushes ever lol and I love the game version. Unfortunately the game doesnt get the love it deserves

Kathy Burrell

I beg you, is there any chance that you could share the Milano interior files? I have a lot of the old dead tools, and about 90 gigs of files to struggle through, and I am getting nowhere fast.