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The Nether is an extremely unforgiving realm, but it has a shit ton of gold. Isaac, bearing that in mind, adventured though the wastelands to find some to bring back home. Wandering around, he noticed a suspicious structure just beyond a crimson forest; a black and eroded building with a really menacing aura. His curiosity betrayed him and he decided to approach it to give it a futher look.

The moment he arrived, he could hear aggresive grunts and groans coming from inside and yet, he felt cocky enough to let himself in.

He walked through narrow stairways and rooms and before he knew it, he was at the top of the bastion. When he crossed a corner, at what seemed like the end of something worth exploring, a shiny beam blinded him. When he regained his sight, he was before a huge chamber with chests and overflowing with gold but, it was way too good to be true.

Whilst he was pondering the things he could craft with that much gold, a loud squeal was raging towards Isaac from the opposite corner of the room. It was a Piglin, but it was different to the ones he knew on his past journeys; it was way bigger, heftier-looking and somehow, smellier; he could noticed a pungent manly musk coming from him, just meters away of that brute.

When push came to shove, the only thing he could think of was to dodge whatever attack  that Piglin swung at him with the gold axe and make a run for it.

He successfully duck that axe but, at the moment that he tried to run, he tripped. A loud rip was heard across the room and he knew exactly what it was.

The Piglin Brute was quite surprised when he gazed at the view in front of him; Isaac's leather pants snapped in half and his bare crack was showing to the fullest. Against all the odds, the swine was stunned with a growing bulge on his mants. Isaac, thus, opted to take advantage of that and snuck some gold into his backpack. He never thought that things could go the way they went soon enough.



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