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Hello guys!

First of all, I can't thank you enough for all of your support, you're the best <3 This month was a ton of fun drawing and I'm extremely happy that I could manage to be constant each week and keep up the rythm of making the sketches.

I want to make a few changes for May, to bring you a wider variety of content and to make more polls to add your participation entirely to the selection of drawings that come out each week!

Therefore, I will modify the "Ice Bun" tier and I will add 3 more tiers. These changes will consist of:

  • The "Ice Bun" Tier will mantain it's current price, but the quantity of weekly sketches will be reduced from (2 to 4) to (1-2). Besides, This tier will no longer have access to the HD files of the sketches. This is due to the amount of work that needs to be balanced with the other tiers. Regardless of that, I will always try to bring you the maximum of sketches each week. 
  • The addition of the "BlueBearies" Tier ($6USD): This tier will consist of inks. The sketches made on the "Ice Bun" tier will be refined with a tighter and smoother line, making them as clean as they can be!
  • The addition of the "Blazing Beagles" Tier ($12USD): Besides the content of the two prior tiers, this tier will have a fully shaded drawing each month; this illustration is independent of the sketches from the "Ice Bun" tier and it will have its own poll with its own characters. In addition, this tier will have access to the HD files from all tiers.
  • The addition of the "Holy Hams" Tier ($50USD): This tier will be LIMITED and it will only have 3 slots each month. With this tier you gain a ticket that you can cash to have a cameo in one of the weekly sketches and inks and, you gain access to the benefits of the "Blazing Beagles" tier. Just send a private message pointing me out where do you want appear before the week of the character starts.

You'll see all the tiers enabled at the beginning of the month!


Now, each character that is drawn will be chosen by you via polls! 

Each month, we will make 3 polls in total:

  • The 1st poll will be effectuated on the first 2 days of the month and it will contain only 2 characters. This poll will determine the character for the sketches of the first week.
  • The 2nd poll will be realized on the first 7 days of the month. This poll will contain 6 characters in total, of which, the 3 that are most voted will be the ones for the sketches of the 3 next following weeks. All tiers can vote on the first two polls!!
  • Last but definitely not least, The 3rd Poll will be exclusive for the "Blazing Beagles" tier. This poll will be realized on the first 7 days of the month and it will contain 4 characters for you to choose from. The character that wins this poll will have a fully shaded illustration!
  • One last thing about votes; all tiers can vote on the first two polls, but the "Blazing Beagles" and the "Holy Hams" can cash an extra vote on the comment section of the  the polls as an additional perk!

And I think that's all of the updates! I tried to structure it as best as I could!! Tell me what you think, I'm open to suggestions!! But, then again, thank you, guys <3 all of this couldn't be possible without you.




Shouldn't holy hams have access to the tier before it? Or is it intentionally the 6 dollar tier benefits?


It was intentional, but now that you made me think about it, it should have the benefits of the Blazing Beagles tier. Let me change that up