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Dear Readers,

This month, Build 1.00 of OIHS is uploaded for $5 patrons, and it marks the last chapter of Volume One of OIHS. Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck along on this journey in Magnalia for the past two years. It's crazy how fast time flies, and how this (horny) community has grown.

But as one story wraps, another begins. I'm super excited to announce my next project, The Silvercrest Pilgrimage (TSP). It's already in the works, and I've already written quite a bit for it. Once the sprites are ready (teaser previews are attached; they're tentative and incomplete), I can share it with all of you. I'll be working with my good friend and dog-handler, guran, for the sprites in this project. TSP will also have the same update schedule as the one we had for OIHS, so by the time it reaches the public, there'll be 3 chapters available.

"In an era of peace and harmony, Prince Rowan Silvercrest's life takes an unexpected turn when he is kidnapped by the notorious outlaw, Blackthorn. At the mercy of an infamous bandit crew, can the Prince escape unscathed?
Yet, as strange and dangerous events unfold, Prince Rowan finds himself slowly forming a powerful connection with his captor. Lead the Prince on a treacherous path of destiny, love, and sacrifice. The fate of the world is at stake."

I understand the conclusion of Volume One of OIHS might come as a surprise for some of you, and perhaps a disappointment to some. But fret not! Xyerlinn Academy still awaits, and I've already plotted out the important narrative threads, and have even written some scenes already. But every good story needs room to breathe — and so do I.

I've needed a break from the world of Magnalia for some time now, and this is a perfect point in the story to finally take a step back and save myself from further burnout. In fact, I'm doing something different this time; TSP will be a short, linear story with only one main love interest. And once we're done with that, I very much expect to return to Xyerlinn Academy. OIHS Volume Two will return.

Once again, thank you so much for your continued support and your shared love for OIHS. It's truly rewarding for a creator to see their concept bloom into something they could never have expected. Your engagement with the world of OIHS is what breathes life into the visual novel, and what inspires me to keep going.

Please feel free to ask any questions below, or to reach out to me on Discord. Stay tuned, and I'll see you soon!





Relaxed Ninja

Great idea man. Can't wait to see a bit more of The Silvercrest Pilgrimage


Sad to see you are taking a break from OIHS but understandable. I can't wait for OIHS to return! :) PS - If I can't Seduce nether-hell-daddy I am going to be pissed lol


Can't wait


How many volumes would TSP be ?