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A regretful announcement, but this month has unfortunately been immensely unslay for me :-( School commitments have made it so that I've been barely able to squeeze in any writing at all. Now I have 3 essays due next week for my midterms that I haven't even started on — which I will... after I recover from this sickness that's been going around my hostel. Third day and still feverish, I fear </3

All that aside, herein lies my current dilemma: should I delay the update for a week, or simply postpone 0.24 by an entire month like I did for 0.21? The former is the current trend and vaguely works, but I'm afraid it will snowball because each delay only gives me less time for the next month. The latter option will obviously be the most effective solution — but it just feels so anticlimactic after all the build-up for the heist in 0.23.

There is, of course, also the option of just releasing whatever I've managed to write by the end of this month. It'll be a small update, which I understand can be disappointing and unsatisfying (and, again, anticlimactic).

Pros and cons for each option, but I realise that the smartest idea is probably just to run it through with you guys and get a sense of what the majority prefers. Personally, I'm fine with all three options and have no inclinations towards any approach. What are your thoughts? (You can vote for more than one option.)



its best if you dont get burned out because of school and writing. you should take your time since a bad update would just hurt the game and you

Tyler the Destroyer

Life comes first. That’s why games have save options👍. Take care of yourself.