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Hi all,

As some of you might have heard, I'll be heading back to reservice for 2 weeks (19-31 December). I won't have access to my laptop, iPad, and other work materials there, so I physically cannot release Build 0.22 for $5 patrons before January 2023.

I've been Hustling for the past 2 weeks to churn out the content for Build 0.22 and have made pretty good progress methinks. I should be almost done, but will likely need a week to tie things up. You can expect the update to go live on the first weekend of January :-) Happy New Year!

- orange

P.S. In better news, my work for next semester at uni appears to be significantly more forgiving. Which means more time for writing, hooray! That should make everything much less of a mad dash and scramble as it has been for the past ~4 months. Uh... not jinxing it, I hope. 



Awwww! Im a bit bum for the news but well it cant be help i suppose. Looking forward for the new year update then. Also, happy new year

Private Grizzly

Take all the time you need buddy! Can't wait to check out the new content! Happy new year