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Build 0.16 Patch Notes


  • Alexi's accident (at Construction after talking to him in locker room)
  • Alexi at the Mages' Guild (after Construction event)
  • Olaf and Lagos arguing (first encounter at Mages')
  • Intro to Questing with Sally (looking at Quest Board at Adventurers')
  • Quest: Swamp
  • Olaf and Lagos arguing again (at Adventurers' after meeting them in Mages')


  • Olaf (SFW)
  • Lagos (SFW)
  • Lizardman (SFW)

Author's Note:

Every creator must eventually experience the pain of cutting out incredible content they produced after realising too late that that content doesn't fit into the bigger picture... I do it for my academic essays, and yes, it seems I've done it for OIHS now. I removed about 8k words of the Swamp Quest 🥲 What can you do with this information? Nothing! I just had to tell someone about it. They were some of the best words I've penned down in a long time—perfect for another genre, but just jarringly out of place in OIHS.

In better news, a new month arrives! And with it comes another commissioned character, part of the duo that you'll meet this update :^] I really enjoyed figuring out their dynamic and bringing it to life. There's much more to them that I have planned—as with most of the other characters—and it'll be fun slowly teasing them out. Stay tuned!

This month is heavy on adventuring lore, which is a genre I've always always wanted to write about. In fact, I actually have several chapters of an adventurer-focused VN saved in my drafts ;-) No smut this time for the horny ones unfortunately, but there's only so much a fruit can write about smashing before they need a break from it 😂

I might also put the content poll for $5 patrons on hold for following months to give myself room to hyperfocus on certain areas—and actually complete them. This disparate sprinkling style we've taken thus far is not at all productive (especially because I keep adding new plot points for fun 🤡), and Rajt has to end eventually! Enjoy the update 🧡

Edit: It should be fine, but the update might be slightly delayed this month again. Busy with intern! 😵‍💫 It's 90% done, though, so we'll see!


As usual, here are the links to access the early-access builds for patrons.

Raw (3 USD) Patrons: https://orangelo.itch.io/oihs-patreon-version/patreon-access

Ripe (5 USD) Patrons: https://orangelo.itch.io/oihs-5-patreon-version/patreon-access (I'll tag y'all on Discord when it's out)


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