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Henlo everyone! This Part II of October contains the extra surprise I had in store. I've just managed to finish this, so here we are.

This month has been super super productive for me. I've just been flooded with energy and non-stop churning out sprites and content. In the afterlight of that, I actually managed to blast past the roadmap I had charted for Build 0.08 and finished even Build 0.09...! I doubt I'd be able to keep this pace up ever again (especially when my finals are starting very soon), but October has just been exceptional. What drugs do I need to take to get this energy surge again?

Anyway, instead of keeping one chapter in the backlog, I've actually decided to release both! I've been contemplating about my Patreon tiers for a while now, and have always found them a little meh. I was scratching my head for a way to spice up the higher tiers... and here's a perfect opportunity: I'm going to shove the second early access build (0.09) in the $5 tier!

This means that from now on, $5 patrons will now get BOTH months of early access builds (0.08 and 0.09), including their access to the sneak #peek channel on my Discord server, huhuhu~ That also means that, from now on, $5 patrons will always be TWO months ahead of the public schedule. How exciting!

In summary, the month of October will see:

Free public — Build 0.07

$3 patrons — Build 0.08 + Access to discord channels

$5 patrons and above — Build 0.08 + Build 0.09 + Access to #peek channel

(Note: if you decide to upgrade from $3 to $5 but your pledge of $3 has already gone through, Patreon will only charge you the difference of $2, so don't worry about it!)

The new access link for $5 patrons is this: https://orangelo.itch.io/oihs-5-patreon-version/patreon-access




There is a bug at the Arena when you go there the second time and then try 2 go 2 the locker-room. Than you are locked the and can't go out anymore...


thanks for reporting the bug! i've released a patch that fixes that on itch.io ^^ https://orangelo.itch.io/oihs-5-patreon-version/devlog/307211/bug-fix-build-009a


Played this to the task and found all the scenes already done at the city great. Will probably wait until all the WIP for every area is done then try this game again. I like the sprite improvements made, especially with the dog servant. Keep up the good work!