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I received a very long message regarding the patreon leaks that happened yesterday. The message explained that the culprit was none other than a young man who didn’t know much about copyright and economic values.

After reading the message I felt so empty. At the time I was overcome with rage, trying to find out who leaked all my work with gritted teeth, alongside with bursts of sad crying in my husband’s arms.

It’s been difficult for me to draw comics. I have never had a break during weekends while drawing December Twilight, and was moaning about it to the point it would have made my friends uncomfortable. All the times I had to held on to my pen with cough drops and headache pills, just so I could put my creation out there came rushing back to me when I heard about the leaks. It made me hate the whole world.

I thought I had gotten used to leaks and pirating from when I drew illustrations for Patreon, but with the comics the pain was incomparable. It made me feel so little. What’s the point in drawing something of my own if people were just going to scatter it into the wind and mock it so mindlessly? It felt like the things I valued were deemed worthless. Why put in more work and live like this if it’s not worth it? I was also getting exhausted with all the things I tried to stop the leaks, and tired of the whole situation that made me suspect my supporters.

I got to know about the leaks some days ago, just when I was going to get some sleep after a tiresome day. I felt everything going numb with vengeance. I wanted to get revenge on the leaker. Then I got to know that they were just young and naive, that they now know that what they did was wrong due to the feedback and input from the comic’s supporters, and they deeply regret the choice.

I forgave them the moment I read the message. They erased all the images that weren’t public, left the public images like before, and just like that my anger melted away. I felt like a fool for getting so angry about this. This person just wanted to share my work because they liked it so much. They even drew fanarts. That’s when I realized I was consumed by my rage. I never actually thought there would be people who pirated without know the repercussions of the action. There was no need to hang them on the gallows straight away. I should have contacted them personally or blocked them before jumping the gun. (I’ve decided to do that from now on, but don’t think that I’ll slack off on catching pirates.)

If you're reading this, please don't comment on it yourself. I've forgiven this friend, so I hope he won't be reprimanded or blamed again. Thank you for the cute fan art, and I think it would be good for you to do anything with your drawings. My cartoon... There are some levels to the illustration, but I think you know everything here already if you look for it. Just don't let anyone catch you.

I’m sorry for causing so much drama, and I thank you all for comforting and taking care of someone like me. It’s all thanks to you the situation didn’t escalate too much. I had so many things to say, but I thought it would be best to cut this short and show my gratitude through art. Again, thank you so much for being there for me. Christmas is around the corner, but I’m not sure if I can make it in time. Anyways, see you soon!

With gratitude, Raccoon_21C

P.S. A special thanks to the person who dug into the case and mediated the whole situation. Thank you so much.


작은 해프닝에 관하여

어제 새벽 유출 건에 관련하여 장문의 쪽지가 저한테 하나 왔습니다. 유출을 했던 사람이 다름 아닌 아직 나이가 어린 친구였고, 저작권이나 경제적인 관념이 부족했다 는 정보가 담긴 쪽지였습니다.

그 글을 읽고 저는 허탈했습니다. 실은 유출자를 찾기 위해 이를 바득바득 갈고 있던 와중이었거든요. 분노에 사로잡히기도 하고 슬퍼서 울면서 남편한테 하소연도 하면서 말이에요.

그 만화를 그리기까지 정말 힘들었어요.. December twilight을 그리는 동안 단 한 번의 주말을 쉬지 못했고, 친구들에게 못나 보일만큼 앓는 소릴 해댔으니까요. 편두통약 몸살약 먹어가며 버텼던 거, 눈코 뜰 새 없이 오로지 작업, 작업, 작업. 내 이야기를 보여주고 말겠다는 일념으로 버텼던 나날들. 그래서 유출 됐을 때는 온 세상이 원망스러웠습니다.

(유출 건은 옛날부터 있어 왔어서 적응이 된 줄 알았는데 만화 그릴 때는 또 대미지가 다르더라구요.)

나란 존재는 이것밖에 되지 않는구나. 내가 그린 만화라는 게 이렇게 가볍게 흩뿌려지고 조롱당할 수 있는 거구나. 허무하고 이때까지 가치를 뒀던 행위 전체가 부정당한 느낌이었습니다. 이렇게 살아서 뭐하나 싶을 정도로.. 어떻게든 유출되는 것을 막아보자고 벌인 일도 지쳐가기 시작했고, 여태까지 나를 지지해준 고마운 사람들을 의심하게 만드는 상황 자체에도 환멸이 났습니다. 정말 잠 오고 지쳐서 좀 쉬려는데 유출된 게 발견돼서 엊그제... 어휴... 피가 마르더군요.

그래서 유출자에게 복수하고픈 마음이 컸었습니다. 그런데, 저의 만화를 게시했던 당사자가 알고 보니 어렸고, 만화를 읽고 계시던 애독자여러분께서 일러주신 덕에 자신이 한 행동을 후회하고 있다는 것을 알게 된 겁니다.

그 내용을 읽자마자 저는 용서한다고 대답했습니다. 아직 비공개였던 내용을 삭제하고 이전처럼 홍보하듯 공개분만 남겨주더군요. 그랬더니 눈 녹듯 화가 사라지더라구요. 그것보다 그동안 기를 쓰며 복수심에 불탔던 제 자신이 바보같이 느껴졌습니다. 이 아이는 단지 제 그림이 너무 좋아서 사람들이랑 공유하고 싶다, 그 의지로 게시한 것 뿐이었다는 겁니다.

이렇게 팬아트까지 그리고 있던 친구를 어찌 모질게 내칠까요.. 이 사실을 알고 나니 제가 그동안 너무 제가 일궈왔던 걸 지키는데 혈안이 돼있었단 걸 알게 됐습니다. 굳이 유출자를 들춰내서 공개처형하듯 할 필요가 있었나. 색출 작업을 하되 조용히 블락하거나 따로 애기를 해봐야할 문제였구나 생각이 들었습니다. (이 부분은 앞으로 개인적으로 해결하기로 결심했습니다.)

혹 이 글을 보고 있다면 절대 본인이 코멘트는 달지 않길 바랍니다. 저는 이 친구를 용서했으니 부디 앞으로 질책 받거나 자책하는 일이 생기지 않았으면 하니까요. 귀여운 팬아트 고마웠고, 이 정도면 본인도 그림으로 뭘 해봐도 좋을 거라 봅니다. 제 만화... 일러스트까지 수위가 좀 있는데, 찾아볼 정도면 이쪽으로는 알 거 다 알 나이라고 생각합니다. 다만 절대 누구한테 들키지 마시길..

큰 혼란을 드려 죄송하고, 부족한 저를 하염없이 걱정하고 감싸주신 여러분들께 진심으로 감사하단 말씀 전해드리고 싶습니다. 일이 이렇게 마무리된 것 전부 여러분들 덕분이라 생각합니다. 그간 하고 싶은 말이 많았는데 이런 말 보다 실은 그림으로 여러분들을 즐겁게 해드리는 게 차라리 더 낫겠단 생각에 글을 적기보다 그림을 그립니다.. 늘 이해해주시고 항상 제 편이 돼주셔서 감사드립니다. 12월 크리스마스가 다가오는데 시간을 맞출 수 있을지 모르겠네요. 금방 다시 찾아오도록 하겠습니다.

ps. 저를 대신해 직접 상황을 알아봐주시고 중재해주신 익명의 제보자님께도 진심으로 감사드립니다.




You are so kind and ......I don't know how to express my feeling and all I can do is support you as always. Maybe you can take a break to feel better because you are no so healthy, which can be seen in your words. Best wishes and Merry Christmas!


Good thing this matter is resolved. Do remember to take breaks when you are not feeling well, although work is important but it is not as critical as our own health. Happy holiday, cheers 🍻.


I'm glad it worked out!

Sapphire Power

You have the right to be angry about art theft, and its good that things worked out when the post was made and the culprit learned their lesson. Art theft is a thing people need to learn about more and how that affects the original creators behind them. But for now, glad things did turn to the better. However, be sure to care for yourself more. Give yourself a break, its the holidays and they are about the cheer and holiday vacations.


happy that things worked out and there arent anymore hard feelings. Hope you get a well devesered rest for the holidays. :)


You always have my support. I can tell you put a lot of effort on doing this work, and I hope you can make it through.

Mr. Morebucks

I'm glad you're feeling better. Art theft is soul crushing, and you had every right to be angry. I'm also glad the offending party did their best to undo the damage and apologized personally. This was the best ending, and I'm so happy you're able to be at peace once more. <3


It’s ok Ccoon, I didn’t know you were going through this, I hope you feel like your old self again and take this experience to heart you know live and learn. If you need a break we will understand we love your art and your comics! ☺️🫶🏼🐻‍❄️🦌💕


No Worries, I would've felt the same. Glad everything was settled nicely. you're amazing artist and hope the best for you. keep up the great work <3


Hug~It‘s good ending for both of you.It's very difficult to forgive who hurted deeply,but you did.I'm proud of you.Love you and support you forever.