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I've wrote on the last post but i thought i should write it again as Noitce.

There's no Comic in this month(Octover).

I'm really sorry.

Sorry for make you disappoint ToT

I got sick for a week in the middle of this month.

I drunk a lot of ginger tea and took some pills, but it didn't work well.

I'm still feeling weak.

Idk why this keep happening.

My BF is totally ok, so.. maybe that'd be not Corona or something.

I overworked without weekend these days actually..

Should take care myself *sigh

I will try to make some comic next month anyway.

Thank you for read and Thank you for support as always^w^!

See you again!



Take care and rest! 😊❤️


Take it easy Raccoon. No worries


Feel good Raccoon!


Your health comes first! I hope you feel better soon!


에구.. 계절감기 심하게 타시나봐요.. 몸조리 잘하셔요ㅠ


처음엔 몸살이었는데 이제 감기가 왔나보네요ㅠ 핳 LeeTY님두 감기몸살 조심하시길ㅠㅠ


no worries man, your health comes first. Feel better :)


Yeah we all understand you got sick! I hope you feel better soon and stay healthy!

Bubba Wolfuzz

I hope you feel well soon! 🙏


I hope that you're recovering well, and wanted to tell you that I always love seeing your art and hope to keep supporting you when you're ready again


You take priority over your own health, it's super important you feel better, don't overwork yourself! Take good care, you got a lot of people support!


It should be fun for you to do the content, so don't stress yourself and rest well until you are fit again :)


Yes, let's hope that you have nothing to worry about, and it's just a common weakness from a cold. Take care of yourself for now!


Aww Racoon it's fine. Please don't kill yourself for artz. I hope you feel well soon. ❤


Please take care of yourself and get well soon!


get well soon

Alex Winger

Please look after your self buddy and I hope that you'll get better soon my friend.

Heroes Hold

No problem, Raccoon! Hope you get better soon. :) And for the record, you are my favorite artist on Patreon (and your comics are the best I've ever seen)