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Hmm, I'm considering taking a break from offering fan art as rewards after this month.

Since May is a resting month, I'm thinking of taking the time to revamp the illustration package section.

I've been hesitant about drawing illustration packs that might spoil the comics series, but I thought about enriching the rewards with a variety of art styles and higher quality related to the comic series.

What do you all think?


흠, 이달을 마지막으로 팬아트를 보상으로 내놓는 것을 잠시 쉬어볼까 해요.

마침 5월은 휴식하는 달이고 그동안 일러스트 패키지 부분을 정비할까 합니다.

그동안 만화의 스포일러가 될까 일러스트 팩을 그리는 것을 망설이고 있었는데, 만화 시리즈와 관련해서 좀 더 다양한 그림체와 퀄리티로 보상을 꾸려보는 게 어떨까 생각했어요.

여러분들의 생각은 어떠세요?


Ciao Lee

나구리님 하고싶은걸 보는게 최고에요! 그리고 DT 사이드 스토리도 엄청 재밌게 봤습니다! 그라시아중위 너모 귀엽구요....


l like dts ,plz make more it~

識勳 曹


Mr. Morebucks

Fanarts are great, but what's more great is your mental health! Treat yourself, build yourself, and don't let yourself burn out. We'll be here for you. :)


终于来支持您了!但我不会使用patreon…登录经常失败哈哈 Finally come to support you! But I won't use patreon... Login often fails haha


Oh, I hope the login issue gets resolved smoothly. In my Patreon, reward links are sent as Patreon messages at the end of each month. The links remain active for about three months, so if you can log in, be sure to check your messages. Thank you!