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Hello, hope you guys are all doing well. So i have been thinking to make Nichijou like comic but it will put on pause on the story overall. I want to hear from y'all who supports me through this comics. Please comment down below in reply.

secondly, I have been very busy this week and i think i will just draw some illustration to ease my brain and fatigue. I have not been able to draw comic because of the IRL job. The illustration i recently finished was in works before the "the convo" pages were finished. I say I will start drawing the new pages again in 01/15 or 01/16.

I am sorry for those who supports me for comic. I will still draw things but little more on illustration till I those days.

Thank you for understanding



That’s alright man, we still support you in any way, do watcha gotta do dude! :D Now I'm eager to see the nichijou comic you’ll do soon


No problem. Get as much rest you need to keep your mind clear and ready to draw. 👍