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I wish every single one of you a great start to a fantastic new year.  Without your support, I wouldn't be able to continue making edits of your favorite actress / model clones. 

Special shoutout to:

alikelook, Jason Meholick, The Lone G, two_or_more_24, Kenny Tan, Macaroniccio, Michael Powers, Lalen, Gman510 and Juan Antonio Hernandez

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to message me. 

I tried to cater my choices to everyone but knowing that, unfortunately sometimes my choice of actress might not have pleased some of the patrons. Apologies for that.

For clarification, my decision is based on the upcoming popular movies / series that will be playing soon. So with that in mind, I'll be creating a poll (a week ahead of released contents) starting from this new year as a way for this community to communicate their wishes that I hopefully can fulfill.

Let's hope our relationships can flourish for days to come.

Thank you,




The poll idea is fantastic! I can't wait! Happy New year to you Cloneenthusiast