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Hey guys, so i have decided that I will be taking a break. Im not sure how long it will be, but it should be about a week or so. 
Also, if you havent yet, remember to switch your tiers! I made a switch from per video, to per month and a lot of people are still floating in limbo. For this month, I still hope to get 1 video out. That isnt ideal, but it is what it is i guess. Then in April, hopefully itll be back to minimum 2 per month and im hoping for even 3.

Edit: if I don't get one out, I will make sure to cancel payment for this month. Also, I plan to do at least a livestream. I'll setup a vote for the day for that at some point.



I hope it’s a refreshing break! Nothing but support here


Enjoy it, it's a well deserved break for you!


Everyone deserves a vacation now and then. I hope yours is refreshing and relaxing.


Do your thing, man! Take your time! Any content is better than no content at all!


I was worried that it was going to be a super long break and I was worried. Definitely take a break, it'll help with creativity.


Hey man, don't feel bad about taking a break. Burnout is real and it's a tough thing to deal with. We all enjoy your videos when you enjoy making them, so if you need time to get back to being yourself, do it!


Thanks for providing us with such great content! Do what you think is best: you know yourself best. Get some rest!


Yep, with high functioning autism and anxiety, I know the feeling when I am overworked. You def need a long break to recover. There should be No shame with mental illness Red Nile. I wish people, in general, were more understanding about that. Best of luck and have a nice vacation you deserve it! :)


I'd rather have two really good videos a month consistently than three sometimes and a burned out content creator.


No worries here!


You don't need to cancel the payment man, we all know it goes to support your content creation, I for one am happy to pledge my amount without a video, it's all good! Have a relaxing break man, and come back when you are feeling better, burnout is no joke!


Take your time, relax and enjoy your break. Come back when you feel like it


Enjoy the R&R! Everybody needs a vacation.


I won't be burned out :). I'm just trying to do 1 big project + 2 smaller ones.


We take vacations too. And when we get sick, we still get paid (ok, maybe not everyone). You don't have to disable the payments, at least that's my opinion. But I can understand if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Take a rest and get better :)


Yeah man, I also don't think you should disable the payments. You began your channel out of your garage, just doing something you enjoy, but even then your content was literally the best and most professional of any amateur chemist. Some people might naively complain that you have already taken so much time to setup an improved lab that you should be turning out videos faster than ever before. The thing is, the only people who think like that are those who have never actually tried to turn their hobby into their full-time job. Instantly your relaxing hobby has taken on all of the stresses that come with running your own business, while the feelings that you need to now immensely and continually improve the quality of your work start chipping away at the pleasure and satisfaction that you once got. Now, I'm not saying that this is even remotely what your situation is like, but I have experienced this first-hand and have talked to people who have had similar experiences, so I know that it is at least not a rare experience. Adding Youtube's stupid upload expectations, together with the nice graphs showing how you're not growing anymore the second you take a break, makes me realise just how important it is for us patrons to support you unconditionally. Seriously man, burnout is no joke. Take your time, take it easy and just tell us how/if we can help in any other way.


I wholeheartedly agree with Mortlet. I fully support you. That includes background work that make videos possible, INCLUDING things like building a new lab, AND taking time to recharge. You should have paid time off. Period.

Brian Reddeman

What's that old song? "I got two tickets to paradise..."


What everyone else said - keep payments going!


Even if you don’t put a video out I still support you so don’t cancel mine. You and Codyslab are the only two channels I support and will continue to support even through breaks


I really appreciate it! And yeah, as the channel progressed, I kept adding more and more small editing details to increase the overall quality. I used to be able to edit a video in like a few hours, now its at least a couple days. For larger projects, I usually give myself 7 days. I eventually want to make a video covering all of the stuff that goes on behind the scenes to make a video.


I understand what you mean. Its just weird for me to get payment, when i feel like I didnt deliver the content. Even though i was working on all that background stuff.


I appreciate it :)

jason black

Make it two weeks. Take a real vacation, man! Burnout is no joke.


Don’t cancel payment - you’ve been working so hard you’ve burnt out. I think you’ve done enough :)


Agree with other comments. Take care of yourself.


I echo Mortlet and the others. Take more time than you think you need. Personally, my support is unconditional, for this exact reason-- I want to support you as a person, to enable you to do what you love doing, at the pace and time that you love doing it. I know it's hard to not feel pressured under the psychological weight of people's pledges, but I hope that you take our comments to heart, and do whatever helps you to feel better. You don't have to cancel payment, as far as I'm concerned, but I understand if that helps you feel liberated and makes it easier to take as much of a break as you need. Follow your heart, not our advice, for that one.


As others have said, burnout is no joke, and I'm really glad you're taking time off. I've worked a lot of "crunches" as a software developer, and they take their toll. Two people I've known had heart attacks from work stress - one was in his early 30s - and I've also seen family troubles, divorces, and physical and mental health breakdowns. It's one thing to work 60-80 hours for a week or so. But if your "crunch" is longer than that, and you want to keep your health and sanity, you have to look at it more like a marathon than a sprint. That means you have to pace yourself, and if that causes things to take longer, so be it. If you'd like suggestions on how to do that, I'd be happy to share things that have worked for me, and I'm sure others would, too. Also, I consider your setting up the new lab to be part of the "work" I'm investing in with Patreon. So if you're comfortable with it, please keep taking my payments.