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Please share your own ideas below.

My Own Ideas

To be honest, I did not get the feedback I expected. To be even more honest, in general I never get the returns I expect.

There are 3 different audiences that know me

1) Those who support me (I develop myself because of them)

2) Those who like or share me but don't support me

3) They definitely don't like me. Even if I do something really high quality, they see the name "moreffector" and act with prejudice. I do not know why.

Sometimes I marvel at certain things. Anyway.

I did a lot of research on the internet. I couldn't find a proper animation with the Giantess and city theme. Most are just photos. In terms of animation, I couldn't find an animation that is low resolution and can give the effect I want. It was one of the few animations I was hopeful for so far..

I worked day and night for weeks for the city animation I shared last time. There are exactly 48 million polygons there. I arranged the models up to the windows of the houses. So why ? For one purpose. Hoping it could be better.

I tried to make the best physical simulation for the particles scattered around when the character hits the ground. To give it a good effect.

With each step of the character, the road collapses into it. I specifically modeled those paths for each step.

Likewise, I worked hard for the car crush effect. In fact, when the police car is crushed, two tires are scattered around.

I've never modeled a city in my life. I did not design it. I even watched city planning videos just for this animation. For one purpose. To be more beautiful.

Is it OK ?

Some Feedback

+ Because I named this animation as Titaness, there were some who said that there would be no titans in the city. There were those who said it had nothing to do with the Middle Ages.

+ Some people said that the character has a bikini. I didn't put it on for a bikini.

+ There were those who said that this animation is ordinary. So it's everywhere.

+ Some of them liked video.

 +++ And what was the top comment? Nothing. +++

I respect and thank them all. But personally I disagree.

In many giantess character animations that I have come across on the internet, the characters cannot even walk properly. This is real. And there are many similar details. There are many points that I am missing as well. (I explained it in my previous posts.)

In conclusion, I understand this. People love the resulting effect.

Nobody cares if the character looks so real. No one cares about effects or visual materials.

It is very important that the animation is realistic. So every moving detail of the character is very important. For example, facial expressions are very important. In addition, the movements are required to be very fluid and realistic. These are the things that make the real impact.

So I announced before (last month) that I would change my projects and past events.

I understand this. I came to this conclusion based on the research I have done and the comments I have read.

What are you thinking about that ?



I think the animation is amazing. I don’t think the title is a big deal, maybe a bit misleading but at the end of the day it’s fine, lol. The footsteps are phenomenal and I love the attention to detail on her soles how you can see body parts and more blood accumulate as she steps on more people. There’s only one other 3d animation that I can think of that’s even remotely close to this, and it’s “Chapter X” by TheWiking2000. Which that animation is a full story and doesn’t focus on her specifically walking around and crushing people like this does. I honestly prefer a focus on her crushing people though, which is why I love your animation. Would love to see more like this stuff. Maybe even a shrunken person one in a gym and some more foot/sock crushing would be amazing to see.

Thomas Jengle

giantess eats people in city


I will say only this: I only follow 2 creators right now, YOU and TheWiking2000, you are both great and complementary, Winking doesnt like foot/shoe crush scenes, only vore, YOU make both crush and vore so keep bringing us your art <3


I'm really sorry to hear you feel this way. I just started supporting (And I usually don't support for long tbh). I usually don't write underneath posts from creators I support, but I feel like responding. I really enjoyed this animation. I've seen your animations on Deviantart for a while and really enjoy the direction you're going in. I would also just say that many people who like this stuff are probably shy like me, so responding with feedback might be hard for them. Anyways, I hope you have a good day!


Thank you ! This shying issue was interesting but it's possible :) I didn't think about this side.


Your animations are amazing! All the details are refined and I respect it for that. You have a talent for it. You put a lot of time and effort into the last animation which made a great effect. Congratulations. However, you probably know my expectations for animation as there has been a little discussion of animation as a Medieval Titanide recently. I believe that one day you will meet my expectations for animation again :D


This is my fav vid so far, I only support Artiist if truly feel deserve it. And you are definitely one, i remember way back when there was jcilan and Markie Lee, only doing film like cg, now we have moreffector and wiking. Im always in favor of foot crush, and your new animations have really been showing the weight of you characters. Your attention to detail is growing big time. Thanks for time spent. Sound on this piece was really well done. I would maybe add a beefy sound underneath the sound you already have. With your permission would love a chance to add to your sound mix, and send to you.


I know you long ago when you were making some shot crushing animations. Your previous works are great indeed, but what really makes me made up my mind to support you on Patreon is your new animation. Giantess walks across the city is always a brilliant idea, but only several artists could perform it in animation. You, my friend, are the only person I know who could perform the idea and with excellent scenarios. I'm being so honest that I haven't see any work like yours in years. A decade ago, I discovered myself a crush fetish lover and Giantess fetish lover (both are connected). Then there were a superior animation maker, Mark Lee, who were making these kinds of animations. He was the best. But suddenly, Mark stopped making giantess animations any more, the year was 2016, if it's correct. Then after 5 years of wondering around blindly, I discover your works. Your works are so impressing that I realize there are still some artists could satisfied me well. You are right my friend, Internet is full of 3D Giantess images. 3D images are good indeed but they are no match to your animations. For my part animations are better than images, in fetish art works particularly.


Feedback lower than expectation is really common in our daily work, my friend. I use to work so hard in order to receive positive feedback, the results are usually disappointment. Then I realize if I keep working hard, and during improving my skills, one day I would get a satisfied feedback. For me, it might just not the day. I support you always my friend, plz don't look down.


Thank you ! Very nice and clear feedback. We talked with Mark from time to time. He suddenly stopped animations and when I asked he said he was bored. It's possible.. In the past, I didn't think I could make animations like this. But when I look back on the past time, I realize that I wanted to do good things and I worked for it. At the same time, I try to understand people and myself. I don't hold good thoughts for many of the animations I used to make (including the ones I posted on Patreon). So I realize some points where I see myself as inadequate. But I didn't feel that way when I did it. I hope everything will be better.


I left a long comment phrasing this absolute masterpiece you made. Not sure why it was deleted 😕

Blue Palmetto

It seems to me people don't know how much work goes into these things and just want to complain because it isn't exactly how they want it. Tell them to download Unreal Engine and see how far they get.


People can not understand that progress and it's not problem for me. Because they are not modeller or animator. But clearly i think many people can't choose the right fantasies or can't separate correct stuffs. sometimes im shocking consider the stuffs which are people supporting or liking. (personally)


Well, that's just pretty typical of the kinkster mindset. It's about what turns them on, what they get off on, and they want it only in the way that does get them off. Most people who have these kinds of specific kinks, usually understand that not everything is going to be about them and how their kink works, and usually have the manners to compliment artists on their work, and not just the content. But others? I see it all the time. "Are you going to make one with vore soon?!" "Can you have her wearing this specific kind of shoe?" "Can she be meaner?" "Aww, she's too mean. Can you have her be more gentle?" It is something that happens all the time. I see it all over the web. Or you get people who just never make any comment at all - the web their personal get-off resource, and who cares about any of the people who make all of this wonderful artwork that they get to enjoy? As sad and often frustrating as this can be, it is just how it is on the web. You'll not be the first artist who's gotten frustrated with, and you won't be the last. The only thing a person can do, is wish you the best of luck with it!


I just really like when a giantess eats little people. Your video didnt hit my marks, but i could tell it was very well done, and i appreciate how well it was made. Like, im just not into crushing feet stuff. But everything else about it was pretty awesome


Thank you ! As i explained before announcements, i will soonly make my own stylized characters and focus mostly Vore and Feet ;)


Would love to see crushing in sneakers sometime in the near future. Also, would like to see a family giantess type of video. Like mom/son or sister/brother.


i will try to add in shoe (sneaker) scene for the new animation. i planned it before. But Also family type of giantess is good idea. i will work on it. ⚡🔥

Crushed Smith

I like seeing multiple giantesses stomping a shrunken man (6-8”) repeatedly, then when they're done they walk on him like he's just the floor as they leave. Love the brutal stuff.