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I decided to port some items, thinking this was going to be a quick work... It ended up taking way longer than expected.

There are still a lot of items to port, and maybe I will port some enemies and maps as well.

Content: 199! New Items for Studio.


[Google Drive] -> [DarkSoldier27]Trails of Cold Steel - Studio Items 1.0.zipmod

[Mega] -> [DarkSoldier27]Trails of Cold Steel - Studio Items 1.0.zipmod

The file is attached to this post as well.

How to use:

- Make sure that you have at least BepInEx 5.0 and the latest version of BepisPlugins for KK installed.

- Put the .zipmod file inside your mods folder.

- Done!

Let me know If you have or find any issues.




Thanks habibi, hope you're doing well.

건율 김

awesome works.