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I'm happy to announce that I'm currently making a custom map for KKS.

Is a Public BathHouse base on an illustration from Pixiv user Kiyo.

The map come with 2 sides, Male and Female. 

Each side have:

A Dressing Room (mostly done)

A Toilet (working on the objects)

A sauna (mostly done)

And a bathing area (working on it)

There is also an entrance but I haven't work on it just yet.

This is what I got from a week of work, and there is still a lot much to do. There are a lot of object to make, I'm still figuring out the best lighting setup, and color/texture adjustment.

The map is being made in blender and all the texture, material and Lighting is done in Unity. As you can see the map look ugly in Blender.

This is how it look in Unity.

Figuring the lighting is gonna be the hardest thing to do so far. but that is something I will have to worry when I'm done with the model.

But that's pretty much it, here is an overview of the map:

I hope you like it, at least what I have to show so far. 

With this I can start slowly moving away from porting maps, since those are limited to whatever I can find.




Are you planning on making more medieval/fantasy maps? I feel like there are already plenty of modern maps from you and other makers so something different would be nice. Anyway the new map looks great, looking forward to it :))


Yeah sure, maybe the next map will be a fantasy one. Also the next update for the JRPG Map pack may have something like that.


Too bad it's not a KK map