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Greetings, there are few thing that i want to say, so i will just get to the point.
Also thank you once again for the support of this month!

Small fix for H-maps in Studio

If you have use my H-Maps in studio and you load an object, you may have notice that some object (specifically the one that use the main_StandarMDK_studio Shader) look way to bright or with a different color tone.

This was intentionally since is one way a use to bright up the map without having to change textures that much, but recently I found a work around for this:

so I will be updating all maps that have this issue during the week.

Scene Maps export?

I found a tool that allows me to export or rather extract the objects in a scene and import them into blender.

Is not perfect and some scene just don't get exported really well or just half of the object get exported correctly, I will have to do more testing to see if this is a viable tool to use, but it can help me in remaking my maps in blender.

Porting clothes

Next month i will be porting clothes again or that's what I'm planning to do. Porting clothes is still one of the hardest thing to do so I think i will be doing it once a month.

No more scene maps

I think my motivation for making scene maps has die out, so i won't be making them anymore. All my scene can be found here, you can use them in whatever you want, you don't really need my permission.
Also i have like 30+ Scene Maps that i never release because many reason, like they are unfinish or i didn't like them, half of them didn't even past the planning stage.
I may make them public at some point.

More Hpoints and Visual Changes to H-maps

I will be updating some h-maps, there are some maps that i don't like how they look so i may do some adjustment. If there is a map that you think it need some changes, let me know in the comments.
And I will be adding more hpoints on some maps.

I think that is all I wanted to say, have a nice day.




Hello, I like the maps in the game 狐姫 (Kitsune Hime) by Tofu Soft, idk if you can but if you can make them in koikatsu it would be very nice, thanks.


I tried extracting the maps but one program that i use just crash when i try to open the game files, and other program extract the maps but in pieces. So I don't think i will be able to port it for now.


thx for trying, I like any new maps you make anyway dont worry