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Hopefully, buff... this is going to be long and sad... sigh, the chapter will be late because several reasons, which are related:

This last week Spain has suffered an awful heatwave, with high temperatures totally out of the season( it's still spring dammit!),  and that temps has not helped at all to finish the rendering nor not do the editing.

But sadly that's not all, a couple of days ago a forest fire started in the mountain rage that holds the roots of my family, and today the fire scalated massively,  a bunch of villages ( and some of my relatives ( thankfully they are fine)) have been evacuated, and all the countryside is burning right now https://twitter.com/hashtag/IFSierraDeLaCulebra?src=hashtag_click&f=live) . Hopefully, so far most of most of the losses belong to the wilderness, and yet it still fucking HURTS, the region is  sort of unique, a  natural reserve with a ton of wildlife, with the biggest Iberian wolf Population of the world... about 20000 hectares burned, pine woods, oak woods, gigantic chestnut tress... all burning...   all those trees that I planted  and I prunned myself... my +20 years old yew and holly trees, the fruit trees, the old vines...  TT_TT 

And it was all so fucking predictable, an historic heatwave,  plus a drought, plus storms, plus wind... and politicians saying that  firefighters are still not fulling needed since " it's not summer yet", saying  that the fire risk is "average", the same politicians that poorly missmanaged another massive forest fire last year in Avila...  oh this year we get another nature hecatomb...  what a fucking surprise... 

So that's it, I'm  both drepressed and furious  right now,  just writing this has got me crying like a child again... but I still owe my patrons the May chapter, and I will try to finish the edition  in the next two days... at least this cursed heatwave is ending...

PS. I see a bunch of patron's messages, I will try to reply to them tomorrow....

* Update 1: I have not worked as fast as planned,  so the chapter will be sent tomorrow the 20th. In other news the forest fire is now controlled, but with +30000 hectares burned it may be the biggest forest fire in Spain ever...



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