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I finished it last friday, but I had serious problems with my network provider these last five days, finally it's solved, aside sending Little silly wishes links to the first october patrons I have to send the welcoming comics to new patrons too. The rest patrons will get Little Silly wishes during the first days of march. About the lost island and the short story, the lack of network has not helped, plus the previous problems with scenes, so I kept working on it, the rendering still will need a couple more days... plus the editing... The lost island first chapter will be released during

 this month, and the short story at worst during the first days of march (all the February patrons obviously will get it!). I add an extra image  from the lost island, I would have prefer to add something more naughty, but that's  at the last part of the comic (oh, it will be probably be a bit longer than expected!)



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