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I said that they would be posted yesterday, but yesterday I got late and forgot about it... a lot of work to finish this one... it should be ready for the monday... the upper ones shows some previous characters, but all of them at the same time... it was quite tedious to do all those renders... and another pic to explain why I'm so late:

this new scene is not that complex, but  the light was annoying, and it doesn't look as good as I wanted either... ( since the sources are in the floor is doesn't scatter in a good way...) it shows  a new character, Filipos, one of the personal slaves of the Queen, and there is also a new female character, but I won't post images from her to avoid spoilers. Oh and the Queen will be showed more in this chapter, she is quite twisted...

Edit 1: buff, I was a bit too optimist with the date,  I ended the rendering yesterday, and  I've working non stop with it ( why I had to add the previously extras to the new stories?) but it's not done yet, sigh... I think an extra day would be enough, so it should be ready of tomorrow 10th but still plenty of work to be done, so I get back to it...



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