Small delay with the job chapter 5 (Patreon)
2017-06-03 00:47:20
In the previous entry I wrote, "or a bit later if I have problems... " and I jinxed it because after that I've had some serious problems with this project, I had planned a short shower scene, but besides having several problems with adding the steam to the bathroom scene it also happened that the rendering times were atrocious for that part of the scene, a close shot taking even more than hour an half, and inside the shower shots were even slower, so I cut part of the story and I just did 4 images( and they took more than 5 hours of rendering ) just with that I lost two days of work... Right now I almost have the rendering done but I will still need time to finish the edition, I guess that it will be done for the sunday or at worst the monday. I have not mentioned it yet, but this month (may) there will be a short story, the second chapter of "Three is a happy crowd". I will take care of the 15$ and 20$ sendings tomorrow... right now is quite late...