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So I've gotten a few questions in private about why I don't update as frequently as I used to. It's a fair question and it's one that I want to answer so that you don't feel like you're waiting ages for something that seemingly never comes.

The truth is that between my personal training studio, my relationship, and now bikini competitions on top of everything, I've been so busy that updates don't happen as often. Heather also needs to get paid too, so she doesn't have time to take my pictures every day. Hehe.

But I promise that I'll try to keep you in the loop as much as possible. Back when I worked in an office it was so much easier to update and sneak onto a computer at work and reply to comments. Now that I'm a small business owner and a model and whatever, it's just gotten tougher. But I'll never forget my fans. You've been here since the beginning and I love you all!!!





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